Belgian Moto2 rider, Barry Baltus is preparing to take part in the Suzuka 8 Hours aboard a Suzuki, under the colors of the AutoRace Ube Racing team. This event will mark the third stage of the 2024 FIM EWC championship, after the 24 Heures Motos at Le Mans and the 8 Hours of Spa.
The 20-year-old rider is currently going through a difficult period in the Moto2 world championship, and has not managed to find his way to the podium since the first race of the season at Qatar. However, he has just released some rather encouraging news, since he will make his endurance debut at Suzuka next July.
Like Johann Zarco, who will start the event under the colors of HRC, Baltus will take advantage of the summer break in the Moto2 season to make a stop in Japan, and thus start the event with the AutoRace Ube Racing team, equipped with a Suzuki.
The first tests in preparation for the event will take place this week on the famous Japanese track. So on June 19 and 20, the RW Racing GP driver will discover all the specificities of this circuit, which is technical to say the least.
The AutoRace Ube Racing team enthusiastically announced the reinforcement of the Belgian on his social networks this Monday. “We are proud to announce that Moto2 rider Barry Baltus will ride with our colors in Japan as part of the Suzuka 8H. He will already pilot our machine in June. »
The main person concerned was also excited when announcing the news. “I am delighted to announce my participation in the legendary Suzuka 8 Hours. From July 19 to 21, I will be riding a Suzuki GSXR with the AutoRace Ube team! Ready to take on this epic challenge! 🇯🇵 »
As mentioned, the Suzuka 8 Hours will be held from July 19 to 21, and does not coincide with the Moto2 and MotoGP calendars, since after the German Grand Prix, next July 7, we will have to wait for the first weekend in August, and the British Grand Prix, to see Johann Zarco and Barry Baltus compete in their respective disciplines.
After Suzuka, the Motorcycle Endurance World Championship will only have one more stop to make. The latter will take place in France, on the occasion of the Bol d'Or.