
Bradley Smith tried the KTM RC16 for the first time during post-Valencia Grand Prix testing. Site Shoei Europe collected his impressions of his new team and the bike…

How was your first day on the bike? Are you going to become friends? 
“Yes, we are going to become friends because we are going to work together for 2 years! The first day was good, I felt good overall on the bike, and I had good feedback from the KTM steel chassis and WP suspensions. »

What is the main difference between the Yamaha and the KTM? 
“Everything is different, the DNA of the two bikes is different, as well as the chassis configuration, the suspensions and the engine. This is a relatively new project and will take time to refine. »

It seems that KTM is the only manufacturer that uses a Screamer engine. Advantage, disadvantage or is it the same? 
“KTM chose this setup for a reason and we will develop it to the best of our abilities. »

Last year , You had a bit of trouble getting the new electronics and tires to work. Have you started to from zero with the KTM or canyou enjoy a part of your experience? 
“The good thing about last year's problems is that it will help me with this new project with KTM, and I'm lucky that everything is transferable, which will speed up development. »

Tech3 is a French team, and this year, it will be an Austrian team. How do you see communication with the team? 
“I like the professionalism and organizational skills of the Austrians, they are very direct, you know where you stand and that is good, especially with this new project. »

You had a big accident while an endurance race in Germany a few months ago. In Valencia, you were still disabled enough to walk in the paddock. When will you behave you recovered 100%? 
“I will work hard over the next two months, where I will go to the Red Bull Diagnostics Training Center (DTC) and I plan to be 100% for the Sepang test at the end of January. »

What is your personal goal for next season? 
“Developing alongside KTM and moving the bike up the grid as far as we can in 18 races. »

How can your father let you ride a motorcycle over 250hp with a dozen boobies. Haveyou checked if he took out big life insurance on you head? 😉
“Ha ha ha. My father has been involved in motorsport all his life, we know it's a risky sport, but it's a hell of a lot of fun at the same time. »

Bradley Smith has changed the look of his website to match the new main team color.


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