Despite appearances and very good French results, all disciplines combined, the situation of motorcycling sport remains fragile in France, due to numerous threats weighing on it. This is why we always remain attentive to what is happening at the national level and will soon publish our own file.
In the meantime, here is the page of France Moto Magazine on re-election of Jacques Bolle at the head of the FFM. An extension which will make it possible to continue, among other things, the standoff with sports event insurers, to extend investments in the different disciplines as well as to open the work of regionalization. A number that you can download here for free.
The General Assembly of the French Motorcycling Federation (FFM) has renewed its management team for 4 years.
On the proposal of Steering Committee, newly elected, theGeneral Assembly renewed Mr. Jacques Bolle as President of the FFM for the 2016-2020 term.
Jacques Bolle : ʺFirst of all, I would like to thank the members of the Steering Committee and the General Assembly for their renewed confidence for this third and final mandate. The Federation is in excellent health and is part of a real dynamic that I intend to continue.
I will consolidate the actions undertaken for several years and which are bearing fruit: the help and support of our 1280 clubs, the development of the practice offer both in competition and in leisure, the structuring of our Regional Leagues, the aid to high-level drivers, the purchase of circuits…
Environmental, legal and insurance threats are still present. The balance to contain costs remains precarious in terms of insurance for our clubs and our licensees. We must remain vigilant and combative in order to perpetuate our sport. As such, the work undertaken on securing circuits is essential.
I will continue to make the defense of motorcycles my priority, taking my sword everywhere against those who want to reduce our freedom and limit this passion that drives us.
Finally, the regionalization project must begin. We must see it as an opportunity for our territories and our clubs with the objective of making us stronger. »