
We will always have a deep admiration for the manual work carried out in certain regions of the Third World, often combining courage, will, know-how and ingenuity, all almost always finding its roots in necessity.

By browsing YouTube, you can view how to re-weld a crankshaft broken in twohow to repair a motorcycle that seemed irretrievably losthow to repair a broken aluminum rim ou how we make truck rims by cutting steel from dismantled cargo ships...

A year ago, however, we showed you, and warned you, against certain productions from Pakistan which appeared potentially dangerous to us, such as “reconditioned” brake pads...

This time, coming from an undetermined but probably not far away country, it is oil filters which are brought to light, and not only because of the total lack of safety for the skilled workers: you are entirely free to believe the screen printing » Original fuel filter, performance for high mileage »…

Good news, the website and Facebook page no longer exist. The workshop, we don’t know…

In China, it goes like this: