
The offseason has not been easy for Enzo Boulom, but since our last article, things seem to be moving in the right direction.

First of all, as you read these lines, the young French rider is taking part in the first tests of the FIM CEV Repsol Junior Moto3 World Championship, which are taking place in Albacète today and tomorrow, at the gracious initiative of Dunlop.

He does it on a Ktm within the 42 Motorsport team of Alex Rins, which constitutes the first good news.

The second comes from confirmation of at least a second wildcard in the world this year, in this case from Jerez, even before the one planned for Le Mans.

Very nice prospects, therefore, for the young driver from Alès helped by the FFM, who will not fail to do everything not to miss this chance to achieve some good results.

Photo of Xavier Alauze

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