
Toy maker Toyan sought crowdfunding on Kickstarter and Indiegogo to get this miniature engine, a twin-cylinder 4-stroke X-Power, made earlier in 2021. It exceeded its goals despite not having There is no prototype available yet, and now a video of the assembly has been shared by the brand.

When Japanese distributor and launched a similar campaign on Japanese crowdfunding site Makuake in December 2021, this follow-up campaign also far exceeded its funding goals with nine days remaining as of December 20. This small, functional engine kit includes all the components you need to completely build a four-stroke, two-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine.

Once built, you can use it to power any little creations you want. From RC cars to water pumps, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you got your creation working. Whether you just want something cool to display on your desk or shelf, or want to better understand how engines work without the hassle and expense of a full scale model, it's not hard to see why many people would like the X-Power.



The video for this project is also extremely fun to watch, and we hope the X-Power kits are exactly as fun as they look once they hit the market. As with all crowdfunding projects, of course, it's hard to say whether things will go as planned. Obviously everyone who supported this one wants to get one in their hands, but also for others to discover it after the fact and buy into the idea.