
Johann Zarco MotoGP

Johann Zarco, a notable French figure in MotoGP, gradually gets used to his new mount. Since the start of the season, he has been riding with the Honda RC213V LCR, but also benefits from the latest improvements made by the winged brand. It must be recognized that his transfer made him quite discreet, so what to think of his start to the year? Does it live up to expectations? An analysis is required.




Zarco is a busy man. Between the Suzuka 8 Hours that he will compete in this weekend and the development of the worst machine on the grid, he is not idle. However, it is one of the most discreet since the Qatar Grand Prix. Besides, personally, it is undoubtedly the pilot which I have written the least about during the period. In the media, we hear him much less than before, which contrasts with his proudly assumed positions when he was at Pramac Ducati. But actually, what does he say? To do this, I studied what he said over the last few months, and here is what came out.

Overall, his speech is quite linear. The bike is not up to standard and needs to be seriously improved to hope to get back into the game. We understand, from reading his interviews, that he wants profound changes. However, he says he is impressed by the work carried out, and more generally, by the hellish pace that the Honda personnel impose on themselves. All this is undoubtedly true; frankness is a quality that cannot be taken away from him.


Johann Zarco MotoGP

International production focuses on the head and Pedro Acosta. Photo: Michelin Motorsport


This cold analysis coupled with average results – in the first sense of the term, but we will talk about it again – make him a very discreet pilot, who almost never appears on screen.


Difficult start


Last year, I didn't understand this signing, because I thought he still had enough in his right wrist to take on one season - at least - on a very efficient Ducati. I had also attracted the hatred of his fans in the comments, but for all that, I persist and sign. Intrinsically, and even at 34, he remains an excellent driver, capable of seeking podiums. This is why I expected a better debut. Let us now analyze its results.

Johann Zarco discovered motorcycling, it's a fact, ignoring his few stints with Honda in 2019. However, his victorious experience with Ducati, his great talent as a developer as well as his appetite for this challenge made me say that he would quite comfortably rise to the rank of premier Honda rider. In reality, it is nothing.

If we exclude Luca Marini in distress, the two other employees of the winged firm are largely holding their own against Zarco, who, in addition, is not really progressing in the general ranking. He is sometimes the best on Honda, that's a fact, but overall it's quite close. For information, he was the best placed four times on Sunday, compared to two for Mir and two for Nakagami.


Johann Zarco MotoGP

Johann Zarco celebrated his 34th birthday yesterday. Photo: Michelin Motorsport


With two retirements, he is currently in 19th position with 12 points. He maintained his consistency in exemplary performance, which he was already putting to good use on Ducati. On the other hand, he never had a single opportunity to shine. Obviously, and even if he sends wood, he does not sacrifice himself like Mir to glean a few extra points, and he is undoubtedly right. He has never done better than 12th – during the first GP in Qatar, as well as in France, and is not on a good dynamic. Thus, the question of progression arises but it affects all the other pilots of the winged firm. I still have the impression that this competition is well within its reach..

Joan Mir is ahead of him in the scratch, and even if he has a year more in his legs, remember that he missed a good part of the 2023 season due to his injuries and that he only accumulates a little information because of its too many falls – already four in 2024. He is one unit away from Zarco, in 18th place, but is working hard to get there. He pushes more, falls more, but he manages to stay ahead of the Frenchman having finished two races less. This is quite significant.

On the other hand, Takaaki Nakagami is a “surprise”. The Japanese, who has gone through the years at the highest level, is himself only one point behind Zarco. Okay, he's been riding the Honda since 2018, but this argument doesn't really hold up: in fact, he was an actor in his team's descent into hell, or rather, he couldn't do anything to prevent it, so he is probably not in great harmony with his machine. He has the most appearances in the points, and this is only confirmation of his proven consistency in 2023. I said it last year and I reiterate; Nakagami is in no way exceptional, granted, but does his job honorably.


Johann Zarco suffered in Germany. Photo: Michelin Motorsport




I think Johann Zarco is having an honest start to the season, but not transcendent either. Personally, I expected him perhaps a little above an opposition which seems less good than him, and we must monitor this worrying dynamic which has set in recently, namely these three races finished outside the points in the last four rounds, and a best result which dates from his first outing with the Honda in 2024.

Obviously, there is something to scratch the top of your head. At the end of June, in an interview, he spoke about his longevity, and did not rule out staying with Honda until 2027. Couldn't he have fought on a very efficient Ducati GP24, even faster than its predecessor? ? Wouldn't he have had his place with the best, wouldn't he have done better than Franco Morbidelli or Alex Marquez? These vain questions reflect my thoughts, but no one can judge the ambition and the way the pilots look at themselves.

What did you think of Johann Zarco at the start of the year? Tell me in the comments!

As a reminder, this article only reflects the thoughts of its author, and not of the entire editorial team.

All articles on Pilots: John Zarco

All articles on Teams: Honda LCR, Repsol Honda Team