
The coronavirus continues to multiply the collateral damage but these victories, we hope, will soon be the instruments of its defeat. The well-understood issue is to avoid any gatherings, and sporting competitions are precisely the ideal playground for the spread of Covid-19. In France, the Prime Minister made an announcement whose echo reached the FFM which did not procrastinate in taking this radical measure...

La FFM communicates as follows: “ following the measure announced by the Prime Minister, this Friday March 13, concerning the ban on gatherings of more than 100 people, with the aim of combating the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, the French Motorcycling Federation has decided to cancel all motorcycle competitions on the national territory, until further notice.

The entire motorcycling sport community must show solidarity with the national effort in the face of this health situation of exceptional magnitude. ».

We couldn't be clearer. A succession of events which deserves a rereading of this article which seems less and less surreal as the consequences of this pandemic multiply…