
We know that the coronavirus is a health, economic and social scourge. The organizers of international championships or tournaments can no longer do their job, an extreme situation that no one even dared to fear. But the harmful effects of this major crisis are also being felt in each country. So in France. The two motor sports federations, auto and motorcycle, make an alarming observation and sound the alarm on bleak prospects. Because there will be damage...

Already verdigris ecology was not doing them any favors, here are the auto and motorcycle federations hit right in the heart by a coronavirus which prohibits them from the slightest competition. But without it, there is no life. Quite simply. In an argumentative file relayed by theAFP, we understand that the money slips away without coming in and that many will be swept away. The circuits, the teams, the so-called peripheral professions making a living from motorsport and motorcycle sport, will have difficulty getting out of this alone.

« In addition to the cancellation or postponement of all competitions since March 15 and until further notice, we no longer have any practitionerst ", point Jacques Bolle, the president of the French Motorcycling Federation (FFM). Gold, " Most of the people who go on circuits, whether in a car or on a motorcycle, are not officials », he recalls. There are also the flight schools which are running at full capacity with the good weather and may have to remain closed...




Another problem is the possible competition behind closed doors, which is not an option, since the economic model of national circuits is based on the presence of spectators. “ If it starts again during the month of May, we will save the essentials »Judge Jacques Bolle. " Later, it will be more complicated because many important events have already been moved to September and October and the calendars are not extendable. »Worrying when we know that the Grand Prix of France MotoGP will not take place from 15 at 17 may...

Money from licenses is also likely to dry up. So that on top of all these pitfalls, the solidarity of the authorities will certainly be necessary. “ Grocery shopping to try to survive when it starts again », said the boss of the French Tech3 team, Hervé Poncharal, on the safeguard plan validated in MotoGP… This is very indicative of an anxiety-provoking situation which no one knows when it will end. But even in this case, nothing will be acquired… “ Either people will want to run, or we will have an effect of fear of gatherings. That's a real question... » mentions the president of the FFSA Nicolas Deschaux.