
It is once again Italy which is hosting the Moto2 World Championship on the Misano track. In a few laps, we will know the name of the Poleman for tomorrow's race. Enea Bastianini is on the rise, as is Luca Marini who is currently standing out in the championship standings. We will also have to count on Sam Lowes, the revenger of Misano 1 as well as on Marco Bezzecchi, the teammate of Rossi's half-brother who does not intend to let Marini seize the world crown without blocking him. Before all that, it is time to move on to the essential Q1 session where four drivers will be drafted and will join their fourteen other colleagues already qualified for Q2, to try to get pole position.


For the moment, a reminder of the facts...


Misano-2 Moto2™




1'37.245 Sam Lowes

1'36.262 Enea Bastianini

1'36.933 Enea Bastianini

1'35.956 Luca Marini

1'36.512 Marco Bezzecchi

1'35.649 Enea Bastianini

1'36.549 Arón Canet

1'36.129 Lorenzo Dalla Porta

1'36.170 Sam Lowes

1'35.271 Luca Marini
warm up

1'36.549 Arón Canet


Marini, Bezzecchi, Bastianini

All time lap record

1'36.170 Sam Lowes

1'35.271 Luca Marini

It's 26,6° in the air and 39,5° on the track.

1 min Q15 session in which: Baldassari, Dalla Porta, Di Giannantonio, Corsi, Izdihar, Chantra, Garzo, Ramirez, Pasini, Syarhin, Pons, Bendsneyder, Biesiekirski, Daniel. 

kick of Syarhin in turn 4

It is Pons who sets the reference time for this session in 1.39.452s ahead of Pasini, Izdihar and Corsi.

Pasini went on the offensive and set a lap time of 1.36.239s. It is taken over by Dalla Porta who is also pushing hard with his time of 1.36.129s.

Top4 5 minutes from goal: Dalla Porta, Di Giannantonio, Pasini and Garzo.

End of session and Dalla Porta, Di Giannantonio, Pasini and Garzo will join their friends already qualified for the Q2 event.

             Full Q1 results:


2min Q15 session: 

It is Bezzecchi who at the start of the session took the lead with a lap time of 1.36.177s. He is ahead Virgin et Garzo. 

Marini regains control with a lap time of 1.35.271s, he once again beats the track record and is ahead Bezzecchi et Canet.

There are 6 minutes left, the top5 is as follows: Marini, Bezzecchi, Lowes, Bastianini and Canet.

kick of Fernandez in turn 4. He was positioned 11th.

kick of Virgin in turn 4 who had just signed the 3rd best time in 1.35.619s.

End of session and it's Marini who takes pole position in front Bezzecchi, Virgo, Lowes and Bastianini.

Q2 classification of the Emilia-Romagna Moto2 Grand Prix:

Classification credit:







All articles on Pilots: Luca Marini