The prohibition of ailerons is recorded and recalled in great detail in a new regulation which promises to put an end to it. Certainly, but we have not clipped the wings of the engineers who realized by taking the aspiration of the Ducati precursors that nothing would ever be the same again. Everyone this winter is going to look at support. Aprilia on your mind.
What will the 2017 MotoGP fairings be? This is a question that we are beginning to ask ourselves since, here and there, allusions are being made to in-depth reflections to keep the advantages offered by fins that are certainly lost. A decision that everyone seems to regret today, even though at the time of the sentence banning them, no one moved. Honda, to whom this ban is attributed, would it be so scary?
But let's not dwell on the past. Even if Roman Albesian the on-field boss of the Aprilia coat of arms makes this historical reminder on speedweek : " this ban was just bizarre. From a technical point of view, there was no reason to ban fins. This issue has been political. They help with the stability of the motorcycle so it is an active safety element. I think it's a lost opportunity for everyone and for motorcycling in general. ».
« As an engineer, I am sorry that they were banned in the MotoGP World Championship. But the question is settled ". Really ? “ We are all thinking about finding aerodynamic support by following the regulations now in force. Fairing development is now limited but this does not mean that aerodynamic development has stopped ". Looking forward to back to school!