
Each mechanical sport has its cause. While in Formula 1 Lewis Hamilton was the driving force for the season to be a magnifying glass for the “Black Lives Matter” cause, MotoGP through the voice of Carmelo Ezpeleta sticks to another news, which continues to shake the world: that of the Coronavirus pandemic. Which does not prevent the Spaniard from having an opinion on the first item…

Arriving in Jerez, Carmelo Ezpeleta first appreciated all the good work accomplished in recent months to get to this point: “ Really, when I arrived this morning and heard the sound of the motorbikes... it's something I've been missing all this time! We are in the situation we want to be in: shopping » commented the boss of the promoter Dorna.

And it took effort to save this season and, with it, the entire Grand Prix paddock. So it makes sense that this year is dedicated to the victims of Covid-19 and the key workers who have worked tirelessly to save lives around the world. “ This is our main objective. We must continue, and we want to use these races this year as a tribute to everyone who has been affected by the coronavirus and the people who are working to help us overcome it. This is our collective contribution and this will be our common objective for the entire season. ».

“Being against racism does not just mean being against those who are against African Americans”

Formula 1 has named another cause. Carmelo Ezpeleta comments: " Being against racism doesn't just mean being against people who are against African Americans. We don't have this problem because we have people coming from everywhere. We are against racism and we have often spoken out accordingly ».

The Spanish Grand Prix will take place at Jerez du 17 au 19 juillet. It will be followed, the following weekend, and on the same site, by that of Andalusia.