
The more we advance in this cursed year 2020, the more we have to review plans and this is particularly the case when we manage a world championship with meetings in it. These cannot be postponed indefinitely and the limit of this philosophy of postponement seems to have been reached with a Spanish Grand Prix canceled on the scheduled dates of early May... But without a new deadline, later, in a season which hasn't started. This is precisely the whole problem and Carmelo Ezpeleta is preparing us for outright cancellations…

It's the last thing that Carmelo Ezpeleta wants to do, but events risk forcing him to give in. His 2020 MotoGP season was set to be the first in history with a peak of 20 races. But the coronavirus who has taken over the world strives to make it, at best, half of it! As a result, the speech of Dorna, the promoter, is evolving and preparing us for cancellations: “ we will do what we can, without putting too much emphasis on the last part of the championship which is already very close. »

The meetings of the Thailand, Texas and Argentina were quickly moved to the calendar. But if Jerez withdrew, he did not communicate the dates of a new meeting: “ is that we cannot move a test without knowing when we can start » comments logically Carmelo Ezpeleta. " It would be a bit risky to do it now. If things don't change, what we will do is gradually postpone them. We speak with the promoter and, when he tells us that he has difficulty seeing the meeting taking place, we postpone it, as was the case with Jerez this week. We are already in talks with France and then we will do it with Italy and Catalonia. If it starts too late, we'll have to cancel »




« Now the main thing is to go back and see how things go. And when we know when we can race, adjust the season as best as possible. A lot will depend on when we can start. » Ezpeleta also looks back on these 13 races which would be so close to the FIM’s heart: “ we will do what we can, without putting much more emphasis on the last part of the championship, which is already quite stressful. If something needed to be changed later, we would, but now the philosophy is that everyone is ready to do the first race when we can, try to move forward. »

As for a season that would continue through winter, and even into the following year, Carmelo Ezpeleta put into perspective AS : " we'll see, but we can't go too deep into winter and ruin the 2021 season. Now, I insist, a lot will depend on when we can start this year. We will also do a shorter season to make the whole of next year. When we see what situation we are in, we will see how the championships can be, because the world won't be the same after this. Now the main thing is that we recover well from this ordeal. » We know that a backup plan was put in place by IRTA in this sense.