
Marc Marquez

Marc Marquez will be notably absent from this German Grand Prix which takes place on a Sachsenring which he has made his almost exclusive playground. But he's getting healthy again and the best part is that it seems to be working. In fact, it had been said, notably by Alberto Puig, that a review would be made every two weeks. Here we are for the first deadline. Here is the news…

Marc Marquez is recovering from this fourth operation on the humerus of his right arm which he himself had identified as the last chance intervention. Remember that the pilot was operated on 2 June to the prestigious Mayo Clinic in the United States. An intervention which lasted approximately three hours and which had a dual objective: to remove two screws from the last operation and to refix the humerus with a new plate to limit its rotation to a maximum of 30°.

When the intervention was made and after returning home, the eight-time World Champion was reassuring by commenting on his social network: “ the operation went well, and little by little I feel better ". A good trend confirmed by his brother Alex who works with him on a daily basis and who has seen him suffer since this accident in Jerez in 2020.

Marc Marquez reassures

Two weeks after this intervention, other news arrives. We see the official Honda take a walk and gradually resume physical activity. This is the photo and message he shared on social media, with a hat, sunglasses and a sports shirt, but with his arm still immobilized. We also see him at the swimming pool.

Although he is still a long way from being able to get back on a motorcycle, speculation in Spain indicates that around five months is the right time for Marc Marquez get back on the slopes. It would therefore be possible to start talking about his return from next September, when the San Marino Grand Prix is ​​set. But his return could also be postponed until 2023 for more than complete rest.

However, these are only speculations and rumors gleaned from Todocircuito. Most likely, neither Marc Marquez he nor his medical team know the return date, because healing is progressive, and never certain.

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