
It’s a controversy that broke out as deconfinement was on the horizon. From a particular example on a general theme about the place of the mind in a driver's performance, we moved to a real generational conflict between Giacomo Agostini and Jorge Lorenzo. Various exchanges led to escalation, but today the eldest with 15 titles is reaching out to his younger, five-time World Champion...

Between Giacomo Agostini et Jorge Lorenzo, it's been a little tense lately. But the calendar shows us that we are in the middle of the Ascension period, which seems to have inspired Ago to go and meet his disciple Por Fuera… “ I don't want controversy, because I like Lorenzo and I will continue to like him. Today or tomorrow I want to send him a private message, so that he understands. I can't say he won when he didn't. I'm not mad at him and I just hope he understands why I said what I said. And I will say it to my dismay. I wish I could say he won with every factory he raced with », explains the Italian on AS, before going into details.

« I don't understand this controversy, because I really like Lorenzo and I have always encouraged him. I want to send him a private message, because I have always encouraged him and always supported him, but when people ask me about his years with the Ducati and the Honda, I cannot say that he won everything, he can't say it, I have to be honest, because otherwise people will tell me that I speak from my heart and not from my head. »

“I just said what everyone knows”

« I'm really sorry, because I expected Lorenzo to win the championship with the Ducati, but he didn't. Winning three races is not winning the title and I only said that, nothing else. I understand that it is not possible to compare his time with mine and I am the first not to have done so, but I, sorry, I only said what everyone knows. »

He adds : " Ducati made a deal with Jorge to win a championship that didn't come. What he didn't win is not my fault, and I'm really sorry, because I loved Lorenzo with the Ducati. He celebrated his victories and his titles a lot and I celebrated with him but if he doesn't win, it can't be done. And I remember one day with the Honda, who qualified in the last row of the grid and I went to see him up to his position before the start, to greet him, but with a lot of regret really say. The fact is that he did not win the title neither with the Honda nor with the Ducati, which is not my fault and I cannot say otherwise », concludes the Italian.

« I hope there will be peace. » In any case, the 15 times world champion (8 times in 500 cc and 3 times in 7 cc) extends his hand to the five-time champion (three crowns in MotoGP and two scepters in 350 cc), so that it can be done .


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