
Lucio Cecchinello

Lucio Cecchinello is the boss of an LCR team which is Honda's satellite structure in MotoGP. He is therefore well aware of the problems currently encountered by the RC213V, and he wants to do his part to resolve them. A loyalty to the brand that he demonstrated by rejecting the approaches of KTM who wanted to speak with him to put more efficient RC16s in his box. An attachment to the HRC which allows the Italian to talk about something which seems taboo at Honda and which is the engine...

We often explain the problems currently experienced by Honda on its RC213V by pointing the finger at the chassis and the delay in the aerodynamic area, but it seems that the hot spot is rather on the engine side. When Joan mir discovered the latest evolution of Honda au Misano test, he openly regretted that the engine was the same, a disappointment that we understand better when we listen Lucio Cecchinello when he takes stock of this RC213V.

Lucio Cecchinello: “ at KTM they improved by changing the engine, so we also have to look at the engine and not just the chassis »

We read thus on Todocircuito : " we have doubts about the engine and the way we manage the control software. Since the start of the season we have tested chassis 1, 2, 3 and the Kalex, which gave us small sensations of improvement, but we haven't taken a step. We also tested the carbon swingarm and there has been no improvement ».

This observation made, he adds: “ the new aerodynamic package generates more downforce than the previous one and gives us the opportunity to play with the bike. A step is necessary, because we have difficulty controlling skid and transferring power ". And he concludes: “ at KTM they improved by changing the engine, so we also have to look at the engine and not just the chassis ».

All articles on Pilots: alex rins, Joan Mir, Marc Marquez, Takaaki Nakagami

All articles on Teams: Honda LCR