
The life of Roman Fenati is definitely not a long, quiet river. HAS his own escapades Events are added which, with it, become exacerbated. Even when he is only very indirectly involved in the facts, the mere utterance of his name or the idea of ​​his presence unleashes passions. An existence worthy of a novel. Tomorrow, there might be material to make a film about it!

If it came to that, we would have to retain this last event in the script. Roman Fenati is a resident of Ascoli which is not far from the town of San Benedetto del Tronto. The latter town was thinking of honoring local athletes on December 5. Roman Fenati was tipped for his place as vice-world champion acquired in 2017 in the Moto3 category.

So far nothing special, but between Ascoli and San Benedetto del Tronto there is a football rivalry whose passion goes well beyond the stands. There was therefore some discontent expressed. With enough conviction to rescind the invitation to fenati for reasons… of public order!

fenati should still be distinguished, but in Ascoli on December 11. The regrets of the municipality were thus expressed on Tutomotoriweb : " we are talking about a guy who, despite the mistakes he made, is a talent in his sport and we need to help him grow. He has to mature, he is still very young and we all have to be by his side. But we blame him for everything he does ».

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