
No need to make introductions : Yamaha is undoubtedly one of the most popular manufacturers around the globe as well as in France. Beyond its worldwide fame, the brand with tuning forks has also been present in Grands Prix for decades without interruption. Today, she is a leading figure in the world championship, present in MotoGP only. Its important legacy is also due to no less legendary drivers, and it is about them that this saga will be the subject. Together, let's look back at the 10 greatest drivers of the legendary firm.

This episode follows the fourth part. The first part, which specified the selection criteria as well as the honorable mentions, is found right here.

No. 4: Eddie lawson

Steady Eddie fails at the gates of the podium. It was extremely difficult to decide between him and his compatriot Wayne Rainey, previously mentioned. Both have numerous victories, as well as three premier class titles, at Yamaha.

The debate exists. But Lawson, with his smooth style and his calm, composed attitude, contrasted greatly with his time. Like different. His mark on the tuning fork firm was significant, and allowed the Japanese to move forward in order to prepare for the arrival of Wayne Rainey some time later.

Eddie did not only know one team, but spent most of his time at Yamaha during his career. He also has one more title, acquired in the most beautiful way in 1989 among the competition. His regularity was absolutely impressive, which explains his atypical nickname “steady”. Lawson was the archetype of the hard-working and discreet pilot, strong, no matter the conditions. She three Yam' coronations – 1984, 1986 and 1988 – are all more magnificent than the others, just like his comeback.

After a year at Honda, he returned home with Rainey for 1990. A crew which should not have cost much in spare parts in other words. For his decisive contribution, his character and his “Lorenzo before his time”, Lawson fully deserves a place in the top 5.

Lawson in 1988. Photo: Manfer Mothes / vedi sotto

N ° 3: Jorge Lorenzo

This is perhaps the big surprise of this ranking. The Spaniard, retired since the end of 2019, is certainly part of said top 5, although this third place is debatable. In fact, the track record of Rainey, Lawson and Lorenzo is very similar... But it is the last mentioned who has the most. Pole positions, victories, podiums. “ Por Fuera” has the complete baggage.

In addition to the figures largely in its favor, it is also loyalty and contribution to the brand that is rewarded. Nine years spent in one fold is rare. Nine years of playing for victories is even more so. The metronomic regularity of the Majorcan no longer needs to be proven and it is undoubtedly this dimension which gave character to the motorcycle.

The Yamaha is naturally associated with smooth handling. How many times have we heard that it takes “Lorenzo style” to make the Japanese beauty work? Fabio Quartararo himself proclaimed it loud and clear.

Moreover, since his departure for Ducati in 2017, everything has changed and Yamaha is struggling to find such a high-performance spearhead. However, it is impossible to dethrone the first two, as they are so important in the history of the tuning fork firm.

These last two thieves will be found in the last episode of the saga, to be published very soon.


Cover photo: Michelin Motorsport 

All articles on Pilots: Jorge Lorenzo

All articles on Teams: Monster Yamaha Tech3, Movistar Yamaha MotoGP