
It is an interesting and necessary objective and quantitative study which was carried out on the subject of a route of Misano of which the question of the economic impact was raised. The answer is unambiguous and overcomes the prejudices, fantasies and other stigmatizations too often formulated by an oppressive right-thinking dazzled by its own brilliance. And who only sees this type of site as a nuisance. Yes, a circuit where we go in circles with mechanical vehicles creates a virtuous circle that benefits a region and its inhabitants. Here are the facts, and nothing but the facts…

The study wanted to know the economic impact produced by the activity of the Misano World Circuit on the territory of the province of Rimini. Here is the result: the route brought more than 162 million to the region in 2018. The expertise scientifically analyzed the benefits and economic effects (direct and indirect) generated by all events, both those characterized by a sporting profile and those of a commercial nature.

Each event organized in Misano generates economic and tourist effects for the territory and its businesses. The enormous value of communication and advertising related to events and sporting events that take place on the circuit must be added to economic revenues. Various reports show that the presence of the site is a factor of strategic importance for the economic and tourist development of the territory surrounding the circuit and of the entire province of Rimini.

A global profit activity assumed with the full integration of the paradigm of environmental sustainability. Among the most significant values ​​emerging from the analysis, those concerning the tourist presences created in the Rimini region by the 281 days of activity of the circuit should be highlighted. This figure exceeds 710 000 overnight stays (between professionals, spectators and accompanying persons), 90% of which are concentrated in accommodation establishments located in the province of Rimini. The survey attributes to the movement produced by the activities carried out at Misano World Circuit 3,4% of the presences in the receptive structures of the province of Rimini and a turnover of approximately 62,5 million for the “accommodation” component alone.

Spending by the general public on food and beverages, namely consumption for catering, and other extras, reaches 42,4 million. An additional amount of 22,8 million is dedicated to leisure and shopping. 7,1 million euros concern transport and parking (local public and private). Finally, setting the specific weight of the Misano world circuit in terms of gross domestic product, that activated by the circuit over the entire surface is equivalent to 1,9% of the total GDP of the province of Rimini, calculated at 8,7 billion euros.

Finally, the Grand Prix of San Marino and the Rimini Riviera represents 38,3% of the total annual economic impact on the provincial territory. Figures relayed by GP One.