
Marc Marquez is 28 years old...

Marc Marquez is a year older but he will not have good memories of his 27 years. So here he is at 28, and he hopes that this even number will not make him feel odd. The Spaniard is still far from his Honda RC213V because of a right arm operated on three times and which is now imposing its law on him. A challenge for the man who had, through his crime, to leave unused a list of achievements that he was frantically pushing towards the summits. But we don't forget him, and he is not alone. The proof …

That's called having relationships! Marc Marquez can thus see through a video wishing him a happy birthday that he has a well-filled address book and which extends beyond the MotoGP. Judge: Rafael Nadal, Pau Gasol, Mireia Belmonte, Carolina Marín, Thiago Alcántara, David Villa, Ansu Fati, Alberto Contador, Toni Bou, Álex Crivillé, Mick doohan and Repsol Honda's new teammate, Pol Espargaro, have sent their birthday messages to the Spanish star, combining them with words of support as he prepares for his return to competition after injury.

Marc Marquez and the return

Many of those who participated in the video have suffered injuries themselves during their respective professional careers. These much-admired athletes are all fans of the pilot Repsol Honda, aware of the efforts and sacrifices he had to make to win his eight Grand Prix racing world championships. Between them, they have won 434 titles and 17 Olympic medals. And they only have one message: “ Happy birthday Marc! We are waiting for your return! »

The date of this return is still far from being planned, but the eight-time World Champion is now frequently seen without his arm protection. He also started training again. It appears to be on the right track, but Stefan bradl can prepare his bag for Qatar ...


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