
Valentino Rossi

How much does Valentino Rossi weigh in the Grand Prix ecosystem? And how much can we estimate our profits in the same paddock? It's a sensitive question that has been explored in the light of the 26 seasons that have passed by a Doctor who was not content to just run. He also understood that there was business to be done by training pilots and getting involved in merchandising. To this, we must add notoriety that social networks enhance in terms of image for any partner. Here are some numbers…

The site Todocircuito embarked on an estimate of the economic value of a Valentino Rossi that his nine world titles and 115 victories in 26 seasons have officially elevated him to the rank of Grand Prix legend. The results confirm the feeling which was already unanimously shared that there is no need to worry about his retirement. But otherwise, what does it give? The source estimates his income varied from 10 à 30 million euros per year, mainly thanks to sponsors. Then there is the actual employment contract with the employer. There, we would end up with salaries oscillating between 8 et 12 million euros per year.

And then there are these figures which define an audience but which are also convincing economic weapons. These are those from social networks. And Vale is in this case one of the essentials of the web with 30,9 millions of followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Specifically, on Instagram, 'Il Dottore' has already accumulated 12,4 million followers and 5,5 million on Twitter.

Valentino Rossi is also a businessman

All this creates a circle so virtuous that for his next adventure in motorsport, his partners will follow and support him. So it will continue to fall. Until then, the Italian pilot would have amassed a fortune of more than 250 million euros by adding all sponsorships, contracts within the World Championship as well as other advertising actions, or merchandising of the MotoGP World Championship.

In addition, Valentino was able to diversify these astronomical revenues very well with very profitable investments under the name VR46, like the pilot academy. In addition to a pilot, an icon, and a legend, Vale is also a formidable businessman. that being said, it does not open all the doors either: thus, the economical assembly of the VR46 team with the Saudis in MotoGP with Ducati inside will undoubtedly be less marvelous than it was first announced.

Tales of Valentino

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