
It is always difficult to write such an article because finding its place between rumor and information is not easy, especially with an important subject concerning one of the Fantastic Four.

But anyway, if we call ourselves Paddock-GP, it's also good to report to you, as promised, part of what we hear thanks to our multiple connections with this place where everything is said, as well as its opposite.

In the present case, a whole host of presumptions lead us to believe that we are talking neither more nor less about the non-renewal of Dani Pedrosa's contract within the Repsol Honda team.

It is not up to us to judge the merits of this possible decision; there would obviously be pros and cons to be put to the credit of the friendly Spanish pilot.
We will instead seek to see what could corroborate this hypothesis which has so far been surprisingly unaddressed by the press.

Usually, Dani Pedrosa remains very discreet. However, since the Jerez Grand Prix, the native of Catalonia has complained about his tires, ailerons, and even Grand Prizes in general. Tongues often loosen when agreements are broken…

However, the Honda driver is not unworthy and is now 4th in the championship, thus once again justifying his Fantastic Four title, 7 points ahead of the rising star in the category, Maverick Vinales.

Now, if we approach the subject from the opposite side, we will note that Honda Factory has its eye (and probably more) on Alex Rins, and has been doing so since last year. The Sito Pons rider has also made it known that he is only discussing his future with factories, and he is obviously not the number one choice of the Movistar Yamaha team which should soon formalize the arrival of Maverick Vinales…

Finally, if our hypothesis-rumor-information turns out to be correct, the question arises as to where Dani Pedrosa could go in 2017.
There is a factory with a very strong Red Bull connotation that is reaching out to him…
The Suzuki track could also be considered, if the place is not already occupied by Andrea Iannone, in a rather bad position at Ducati.

To date, here is what the composition of the factory teams could look like in 2017…


We hesitated for a long time before publishing this, but it seemed impossible not to.
To be taken nevertheless with all the usual reservations…

All articles on Pilots: Dani Pedrosa

All articles on Teams: Repsol Honda Team