
“When I was 16, the age of unconsciousness, I passionately loved motorcycles, speed and competition. To me, helicopter pilots were demigods. For France Inter, I race the Bol d'Argent on a motorbike on the Castellet circuit, microphone stuck in my helmet. Now I believe that we need to reduce our addiction to speed, enter a sobering up cell and set limits. TGV lines have no reason to exist. It is customs from another era to build corridors to save ten minutes. The urgency is to rehabilitate the TER and RER lines. »

These words are those of Nicolas Hulot, current Minister of State, Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition, extracts from his book “Higher than my dreams” (Calmann-Lévy).

The Bol d'Argent was in 1978 and Nicolas Hulot was driving a 6-cylinder Honda CBX for France Inter, having the difficult task of commenting on the race at the same time as he was driving.

A wonderful initiative, just like that of Jean Claude Olivier who decided to officially enter a 750 Yamaha 2-stroke Grand Prix in the middle of the horde of 4-strokes! Patrick Pons et Christian Sarron were the drivers, and if they did not win the race, they led it well until the early morning...

Blessed era, long forgotten by Nicolas Hulot, but not by true enthusiasts in general, and by CBX lovers in particular who will properly celebrate the 40th anniversary of his victory at the Bol d'Argent (the CBX, eh, not Nicolas Hulot) during the Sunday Ride Classic in March 2018 at Paul Ricard.

Photo credit: Gérard Délio