
Having Marc Marquez and Maverick Vinales as national headliners is a real blessing for the organizer of the Spanish Grand Prix, but it is also a difficult situation to manage so as not to appear to favor one or the other.

Who to put on the poster? One of the two, and the supporters of the other protest. Both, but there will always be one bigger, better placed, better highlighted... In short, it's a never-ending puzzle that the leaders of the Jerez Circuit (" World capital of motorcycling » according to them) managed to solve with skill.

This is how Pol Espargaro was given exclusive rights to the official poster, which must have pleased him, and probably surprised KTM a little. We can assume that an Austrian drink brand – official sponsor of the Grand Prix – has something to do with it, but Marc Marquez also wears these same colors.

It will be noted that the Michy-PHA house also shrewdly avoided the Marquez-Vinales conflict on its poster for the French Grand Prix, but probably for different reasons.


And we will finish with the promotional graphic creations of the Spanish Grand Prix by noting that for the program of activities in town, it was Jorge Lorenzo who was called upon:



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