
“Loud Pipes Save Lives”, as the saying goes, which could be translated as: “Loud Exhausts Save Lives” However, this statement has been studied and debated for years, as not everyone shares the same enthusiasm for the excessive noise. Especially near schools, residential areas or even restaurants.

While we frequently worry about strict new emissions regulations, increasingly restrictive noise standards also come into play for new motorcycle models. Most modern motorcycles must meet a certain decibel level to meet current restrictions, and many riders change the exhaust on their machine to change the sound and performance. France plans to crack down on those who circumvent noise pollution limits by installing noise radar in big cities and suburbs.

Paris already installed noise detection systems in 2019. Authorities have not used the technology to issue tickets to violators, but authorities will soon begin testing the system's capabilities. The City of Lights, however, is not the urban area that engages in systematic punishment against noisy exhausts.

Nice, Lyon and Bron, as well as the towns of Rueil-Malmaison and Villeneuve-le-Roi, will test radars this year, and they will be able to send fines. Similar to automatic radars detecting speeding, the noise detection system captures a photograph of the vehicle's license plate if the noise threshold is exceeded. The responsible driver will then receive an expensive souvenir in the mail.

For municipalities to test the noise radar, they will have to wait for the publication of the decrees next fall. Once the performance and accuracy of the system is confirmed, cities can obtain authorization for use. That said, the testing period will last a considerable amount of time. If the noise detection systems are approved for road use, they will not be implemented until 2022 or 2023.

Of course, law enforcement can fine vehicles with loud exhausts, but France's automated system will certainly expand this punishment.