
Not everyone can afford to pay €25 to acquire a Honda CBR 990 RR-R Fireblade SP and have it under the tree. Never mind, Honda has thought of most of us, and is offering to make one for Christmas… In origami!

It is indeed the Honda teams who have prepared the Honda CBR 1000 RR-R in origami for us, where you simply have to print the parts. All you need to put it together are scissors or a cutter blade, glue and a little bending work.



This origami was not designed by just anyone. In fact, the motorcycle developers themselves took the time and effort to design the Superbike in origami form, to ensure that it's easy enough for a 10-year-old to assemble, but also for that it is representative of the curves and shapes without distorting the final product.



There are two versions that you can print, one with HRC colors and a blank one if you want to create your personalized decoration. Click here to download.