
Suzuki pauses its GSX-R. No Gex until 2023 with the exception of stocks present in concessions. A page is turning to transform this myth... Into a phoenix? Explanations.

Il n’aura fallu que de 4 lettres pour écrire un mythe, 4 lettres pour changer l’histoire et donner naissance à un nouveau segment de moto : les hypersports. Et Suzuki créa la GSX-R. 1985, une bombe éclate dans le monde de la moto : la promesse pour “Mr Toutlemonde” de rouler avec une véritable moto de course. Les modèles se succèdent, le nom reste. Certes la Gex s’est élimée avec le temps, laissant la concurrence refaire son retard et placer cette GSX-R au second plan.
Timid developments since 2009 before the awakening of the brand which in 2017 draws a machine born from a blank sheet, capable of vying for the place of the best sports car of the year. That’s it, LA GEX is back (alas not for very long!)…


Euro5 standard obliges, the Suz' spearhead is falling by the wayside. There will be no GSX-R in 2021, at least in France and in the countries affected by the Euro5 standard, only motorcycles in stock in dealerships will be available. A thunderclap in the sports world which is losing here (temporarily?) its legendary representative, at least for 2021 and 2022.

In 2023, a new anti-pollution standard (Euro5B) could resurrect the GSX-R from its ashes and make it an even stronger myth... Like the phoenix...

In the meantime, Suzuki is working on an SP version dedicated only to the track for the break years.