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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym Vernon Stoner .
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Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
By Nicolas Pascual & Vernon Stoner
KTM, dream of champion…
In a short time, KTM has established itself as a major force in MotoGP. An exceptional tour de force which is only just beginning.
The appearance of KTM in competition is not new. Oriented towards off-road, the brand can boast of having more than 250 world titles in motocross, enduro and other such disciplines to its credit. A huge figure that says a lot about the spirit of the firm.
When the Austrians arrived in the world championships in the early 2000s, it was to win. Forever linked to Red Bull, KTM still displays the iconic bull on its machines. In 125cc as in 250cc, the oranges quickly impose their way of thinking and reap victories in spades.
The transition to the era Moto3 is perfectly successful. In 2013, the RC250GP win all the Grands Prix of the season, no more, no less. Whether it be via a private team or the official team, KTM is always well placed overall and often ahead in the manufacturers' standings. There Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup, antechamber of the smallest category since 2007, serves as a promotion school for the stars of tomorrow.
In 2017, KTM engages in MotoGP with great ambitions. Pol Espargaro is recruited for his talent and competitiveness. Intelligent choices, such as promoting the in-house product Brad Binder in 2020 or the signing of Dani Pedrosa as a tester, allow the institution to return to the highest peaks. Pete Beirer, the main architect of success, is one of the most respected managers and directors in the industry. A true workaholic and disciplined person, with a strong critical mind.
After a masterful 2020 season, the orange armada will be keen to transform the test. With a Miguel Oliveira in good spirits since his two victories, and a Brad Binder anxious to confirm his brilliance of Brno, KTM will do everything to get a little closer to the ultimate coronation. What if, for once, Portugal and South Africa beat the unbeatable Italy-Spain tandem, in addition to adding a new world champion brand to the MotoGP list? There is still a long way to go, but the Austrian factory has never been so close, so who knows...
Will Binder and Oliveira confirm? Leave us your predictions for the 2021 KTM season in the comments. We'll talk about it again in a few months!
Nicholas & Vernon