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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym Vernon Stoner .
Here, we relate, of course, but we also extrapolate, we speculate, we construct, in short, we discuss and exchange!
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Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
By Nicolas Pascual & Vernon Stoner
Aprilia, remontada or bis repetita?
Let's be honest: Nobody is happy to see a brand as prestigious asAprilia wade so much MotoGP. Since their return in 2015, the firm has simply not recorded any podiums. However, in the past, Aprilia was synonymous with victories and world titles. A little flashback is in order.
Founded in 1945, the Noale firm began building motorcycles barely ten years later. Very quickly, competition became a priority and the real march forward began with the 250cc. If the machines immediately appear formidable, they are not yet at the level of the Japanese.
The turning point came later, at the beginning of the 1990s. The introduction of RS250V in 1991 forever changed the destiny of the Italian institution. Very involved in the smallest of categories, Aprilia wins his first world title in 125cc thanks to Alessandro Gramigni. Nine other drivers, including Valentino Rossi and in 1997 Arnaud Vincent in 2002, will also prevail.
At the same time, the brand won nine other quarter-liter titles: Among the chosen ones, “The Doctor” (him again), Max Biaggi, Loris Capirossi et Jorge Lorenzo. In total, all categories combined, Aprilia weighs heavily with 38 world titles (19 drivers and 19 manufacturers), and 294 world victories, more than any other European manufacturer.
In the premier category, it's more complicated. Of course, the Italians tried the experiment in 2002, via the fun but underperforming three-cylinder RS Cube. Two years later, curtain. In 2015, the brand made its return in MotoGP, supported by Gresini Racing. Without much success, unfortunately.
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
The arrival of Lorenzo Savadori Will it change anything in 2021? As the owner ofAprilia and in love with the brand, I would like to believe it, but I admit that I am doubtful. The Italian is not the first to come, it's true, but we are far from a high-flying recruit like the one who will really be missed on the grid could have been, Andrea Dovisiozo. Unfortunately, I have the idea, as an artist, that extraordinary talent is revealed young and that all the work in the world will not change that. An incredible scenario is always possible in GP and we must not sell the bear's skin, but hey... I sincerely hope I'm wrong, and sincerely hope that this newcomer will shine more than his predecessor, Bradley Smith. As for counting on a return of the unfortunate Andrea Iannone, it seems compromised on this side too.
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
And what about the eldest sibling? I will espargaro ? Should I be bursting with joy after the Qatar tests? It's tempting, but no. We do not take these results into account when writing this series of articles, it is a bias. Because, as rightly pointed out Nicolas during the preparation of this collaboration: “If we consider the coming season based on the tests, Casa Particular in Viñales is champion every year! » QED
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
After subversive statements against his employer at the end of 2020, Aleix Espargaro seems to be re-motivated and ready to fight to finally offer the Italian brand its first GP victory, and the most beautiful tribute there is to the late Fausto Gresini. Will the will and progress of RS-GP be enough to meet the challenge? I wouldn't bet big on it, that's for sure, but I do have the slightest hope of a revival that promises a few podiums and top 5s.
But, but, but… Recent information claims that Dovi will soon test the RS GP. And if…
Revelation or oblivion for Savadori? Podiums or nervous breakdown for Espargaró? Leave us your predictions for the 2021 Aprilia season in the comments. We'll talk about it again in a few months!
Nicholas & Vernon