
Petronas shows up on Monday but Rossi is already showing color...

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Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!

By Nicolas Pascual & Vernon Stoner

Petronas, the transition to the post-Rossi era

Relatively recent, the team Petronas Yamaha SRT is already a serious candidate for the 2021 title. Led and supervised by Razlan Razali, Wilco Zeelenberg et Johan Stigefelt, the Malaysian team has been using machines globally since 2014.

Few observers know it, but the team AirAsia Caterham was the same entity! Remember this epic, carried by Josh Herrin and especially - Johann zarco, which finished in third place in the constructor's championship.

The team focuses exclusively on Moto3 from the following year and mainly houses Malaysian pilots (Zulfahmi Khairuddin, Adam Norrodin or Kasma Daniel Kasmayudin), but also offers the services of Jakub Kornfeil et Ayumu Sasaki until 2018.

In 2019, everything changes. The team is present in all three categories of the world championship, after a huge financial push from the oil giant Petronas. On MotoGP, both YZR-M1 traditionally entrusted to Tech3 change sides. If Franco Morbidelli is shy, fabio quartararo made a remarkable arrival, jostling with the big names.

Credit: Michelin Motorsport

At the same time, the experienced John mcphee is poached in Moto3. He thus became the first pilot of the SRT to win a race, while finishing the exercise in fifth place. 2020 must be the year of confirmation.

fabio quartararo transformed the test by winning the first two rounds of the championship, Jerez, thus becoming the first Frenchman to triumph in the premier category since Regis Laconi in 1999.

Author of an exemplary season, Morbidely stands out and ends up vice-world champion to everyone's surprise, Conversely of a “Quarta” as irregular as possible. The Frenchie is then already announced alongside Casa Particular in Viñales for 2021, while the legendary Valentino Rossi will go the opposite way. A heavy prospect, but many questions remain unanswered.

Credit: Michelin Motorsport

We may find it strange that a myth like Rossi decides to end his career in a satellite team, but no one, apart from him, has all the ins and outs of his final plan. There is the incomparable pleasure of being on the starting grid, of course. Is it so difficult to understand that for a phenomenon like this who has a passion for racing deeply rooted in his body, it is better Petronas that no MotoGP at all ? And then, in the long term, Mr. Vale sees himself as team director, and rather in MotoGP whether SBK, normal. So staying in the circuit while waiting for the operation to be approved is perhaps also a way of establishing one's legacy and saying " Hey guys, OK I'm old, but you're not ready to be rid of me! ". What can we expect from this new challenge led by Valentino? One season too many, for my part, he has already done it. But then what?

Credit: Michelin Motorsport

Franco Morbidelli exploded last year and, with his boss on his side to boot, he could well be on the list of title contenders. It's hard to see him not winning races. If consistency, tinged with experience and mixed with an ounce of luck, is there, who knows what the Italian will be capable of...

Morbidelli champion? Rossi back in business or heading towards decadence? Leave us your predictions for the 2021 Petronas season in the comments. We'll talk about it again in a few months!

Nicholas & Vernon

All articles on Pilots: Franco Morbidelli, Valentino Rossi

All articles on Teams: Petronas Yamaha Sepang Racing Team