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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym Vernon Stoner .
Here, we relate, of course, but we also extrapolate, we speculate, we construct, in short, we discuss and exchange!
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Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
By Nicolas Pascual & Vernon Stoner
Tech 3, the podium in sight
The only French team on the grid, Tech3 KTM Factory Racing is a model of its kind. For twenty years, the team based in Bornes-les-Mimosas has been present at the highest level, without interruption.
Following an incredible double 250 tsp in 2000, the team took the bull by the horns and entered the premier category. With Olivier Jacques spearhead, hard to go wrong. All of this brings back memories in spades, notably the 2002 German Grand Prix. Jacque, on a YZR500 two-stroke, performs a magic trick by seizing pole position ahead of the 990cc four-stroke. In a good position to win, he was unfortunately mowed down by Alex Barros, too optimistic. Always equipped with Yamaha , Hervé Poncharal and his team stagnated for a while in the mid-2000s.
There is no shortage of good pilots. Colin Edwards, Marco Melandri ou James Toseland were all part of this epic. The adventure took a real turn in the early 2010s, with the signing of Cal Crutchlow et Andrea Dovizioso.
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
If the Italian brings regularity and serenity to the team, the British leaves his mark thanks to his warrior-like behavior. In 2013, he concluded a magnificent season at number 5e general place, punctuated by two pole positions.
Talents follow one another, until the enthronement of a certain Johann zarco. The vice-world champion 125 tsp 2011 shines brightly, but fails to triumph. At the end of 2019, Tech3 et Yamaha separate after two decades of collaboration. Head to Austria! KTM offers the services of the French institution in order to extend its influence within the paddock.
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
The two fabulous victories of Miguel Oliveirin 2020 have put the French team on the right track and there is no doubt that everyone dreams of confirming. The Portuguese having left for the official team, it will be up to his replacement, Danilo Petrucci, to make a good entrance appearance. The Italian will surely be keen to prove to his former employer, Ducati, that he was wrong to dismiss him prematurely. Petrux being capable of winning as well as being invisible, he is very smart who knows how to predict his season with the Orange.
To Iker Lecuona, the time to show that he really has his place in GP has arrived. After a checkered start, between hope and despair, the Spanish driver will have to evolve significantly if he does not want another ambitious rookie to eye his place. To be continued…
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
Will Petrux be able to digest the orange juice delivered by the RC16? Will Lecuona finally shine, or collapse? Leave us your predictions for the 2021 Tech 3 season in the comments. We'll talk about it again in a few months!
Nicholas & Vernon