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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym Vernon Stoner .
Here, we relate, of course, but we also extrapolate, we speculate, we construct, in short, we discuss and exchange!
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Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
By Nicolas Pascual & Vernon Stoner
Suzuki, blaze or flash in the pan?
No introduction Suzuki. In addition to the 2020 pilot title, the firmHamamatsu has an inestimable heritage. Will they be able to confirm in 2021? That's the whole question. Before that, a little historical reminder is in order.
If the real and remarkable involvement of Suzuki dates back to the mid-1970s, we should not forget the success of Jack Findlay at the beginning of this same decade. By triumphing during the 1971 Ulster Grand Prix, it imposes for the very first time a Suzuki and the victory of a two-stroke engine in 500cc.
Subsequently, the exploits of the legendary squadron Heron–Suzuki mark an entire generation. Barry Sheene, Wil Hartog, Teuvo Lansivuori and others Virginio Ferrari are the main architects of an unforgettable epic. This period also saw a double of Sheene, who lifted the 1976 and 1977 trophies, accompanied by his RG500.
The following titles are coming soon. Five years later, Marco Lucchinelli is on top of the world after having had an honest season, followed by Franco Uncini in 1982. Suzuki is at the cutting edge of technology, but has great difficulty preparing for the next era.
We had to wait until 1993 and the victory of Kevin schwantz (at the expense of a seriously injured Wayne Rainey in Misano) to find his way back to the coronation. Kenny Roberts Jr. succeeded him in 2000, winner of a Valentino Rossi rookie. Unfortunately, the transition to four-strokes in 2002 dealt a blow to the prestigious institution. Despite good performances signed Chris Vermeulen, the team left the championship through the back door at the end of 2011.
The big comeback is scheduled for 2015, carried by three very important men: the experienced Aleix Espargaro, the rookie Maverick Vinales and the awesome Davide Brivio. At the helm, the Italian founded a united family ready to go into battle.
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
The rest is fresh in the memory since Joan mir finally brought the title MotoGP à Suzuki. It remains to be seen whether the Spaniard will be able to make it happen in 2021. Many people think that, without the boss Marc Márquez, the 2020 championship was somehow truncated. Would there have been so many different winners if the boss of the premier category since 2013 had not been injured? I could be wrong, but I would put the mufflers on my Falco to cut rather than not. This state of affairs poses a second drawback to the coronation of Mir which, despite a certain consistency, did not overlook the debate. And if the Yamaha hadn't encountered so many problems? And if Dovi had not been on bad terms with Ducati ? What if, what if, what if…. We don't remake history any more than we predict it, but Joan mir will have to deploy all his talent and raise his level further if he wants to keep his crown...
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
Alex Rins is very different from his teammate. The ability to win several rounds, he has it, without a doubt. It is in terms of consistency that he falls short. A slight lack of maturity in racing too often pushes him to put himself in the pile to glean a place rather than securing points. We're not going to blame a driver for applying the old adage "in front or down", but that's what probably cost the experienced rider the title. Kidneys Will his partner's victory, under his nose, have put lead in his brain? It's possible. In which case, I won't be surprised to see Alex Rins lead the championship, or even win it.
We can also wonder about the departure of Brivio and the impact this change will have on the team. Wait and see…
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
Birth of a champion or descent into Hell for Mir? Title or disillusionment for Rins? Leave us your predictions for the 2021 Suzuki season in the comments. We'll talk about it again in a few months!
Nicholas & Vernon