Disclaimer :
Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym of Vernon Stoner.
Here, we relate, of course, but we also extrapolate, we speculate, we construct, in short, we discuss and exchange!
You have the right to respond in comments, to correct, to proclaim your indignation, or, at worst, if it really gives you heartburn, to change the section...
Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
As Pablo Mira would say in his excellent “En deux-deux”: “What?! You're a biker and you don't know the Joe Bar Team?! You don't deserve to live! »
As much as it is not necessary to be a fan of Comics to immerse yourself in the world of JBT and take immediate pleasure in it, it is better to have some knowledge of motorcycles. It's not a question of mechanics, and not even necessarily of driving techniques, but rather of spirit and atmosphere. Whether you are an experienced motorcyclist or A2, or even a passenger, I encourage you to read the JBT. You will find a lot of information about our passion, over the years 70 today, while still cracking your face! And there is no doubt that for some, it will bring back excellent memories…
Therefore the JBT, What is it about ? Well, it's mainly about groups of friends who shamelessly fool around, who constantly argue with each other with the worst bad faith, who attempt risky DIY projects, and who bring together everything humorous that the world of motorcycling can contain. A true delight ! The eternal debate between the different brands, engines, trajectories, etc., is constant and will give you something to support your argument for your aperitifs between enthusiasts.
The adventure of Joe Bar Team begins at the end of the years 80 with the designer's first plates Bar2 in the journal Motorcycle Journal. The first volume is published in 1990 by West Wind Editions. We discover the adventures ofEdward Bracame (Honda CB 750 Four), Jean Manchzeck (Norton Commando 820), Jean-Raoul Ducable (Kawasaki 750 H2), and Guido Brasletti (Ducati 900 SS). Between scandalous “walks”, stopped starts at red lights, hit-and-runs, hospital stays, and shameless lies over a drink in their HQ, the bar of Joe (hence the name), humor is omnipresent. In addition to the love of the drawings which are fabulous, both for the characters and the machines, the jokes are hilarious and follow one another without (false) dead center.
Le volume 2 is made by the designer Fane which takes the story back in time to introduce three new characters who are about to take their license. The quest for the motorcycle of their dreams Jeremy Lapurée aka Jéjé L'aspi (HD 883 Sporster), Paul Posichon (Yamaha 600 XTE SM), and Pierre Leghnôme aka Pierrot the Weasel (Yamaha 1200 V-Max), will not be easy and we want more, it's so funny!
Fane will also produce the volumes 3 et 4, before the return of Bar2 for the 5. Fane will stack again for the 6 et 8, while the 7 will be left to Leg et Jenfèvre. We will also note the hilarious special issue “ The idiotic motorcycle encyclopedia »Par Bar2 et Bidault.
Like many Rock groups, the first albums are the best and I recommend, for discovery, the volumes 1 à 3, as well as " The idiotic motorcycle encyclopedia ».
Some cult lines to bring out with friends:
Oh well, were you attacking yourself?
I piss on sluggish twins and cylinders with holes!
It happened, it was beautiful!
From driving at your pace, I fell asleep!
Good reading !