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Rookies on the rocks!
Enea Bastianini
The start of a new season is always a special moment.
Between the technical innovations of the machines (for this year, unfortunately, it's a little threadbare...), the transfers from one team to another, possible circuits added to the calendar, and the form of each driver, including the top players. , the suspense is cut with a chainsaw! And the first performances of the rookies are part of it. Especially when they are of the caliber of the one I want to talk to you about today: the Italian Enea Bastianini.
Before extrapolating on what it is wise or not to expect from him, I suggest you get to know him. Because I know that as much as you are very knowledgeable in MotoGP, as few of you follow the lower categories assiduously. By the way, let me say that you are wrong. THE Motorcycle 2 is often the dullest race of the weekend, it's true, but then the Motorcycle 3 !! The kids are crazy and I can assure you that it's the only challenge that never disappoints me. But this is another debate. Let's return to our rookies 2021 du MotoGP.
Enea Bastianini sees the light of day December 30, 1997 à Rimini. The Italian pilot is one of those who was born in the cauldron of magic potion. He is already on a mini bike à 3 years ! After having participated in numerous junior championships such as MiniGP 70cc Italian Championship, Honda RS 125 Trophy, and the famous Red Bull MotoGP Rookie Cup, it passes into Moto 3 en 2014 in KTM, which he leaves for Honda from 2015. The beginnings are immediately promising with 3 podiums and a 9e place in general. In 5 years in the small category (2014-2018), he accumulates 24 podiums and 9 pole. The results are nevertheless mixed since he only wins 3 victories and, if he never leaves the Ton 10 in the final ranking, its place of vice-champion in 2016 remains his best performance.
He joins the Italtrans team (frame Kalex) Motorcycle 2 en 2019 with the ambition to do better than Motorcycle 3. But, if it ends with an encouraging 10e place in the general, the harvest is weak with only one podium on the clock. The native of Rimini, an expression dear to our commentators TV, exploded against all expectations the following year with 3 victories and 7 podiums. bastianini won the title, not without leading a bitter fight against his compatriots, Luca marini et Marco Bezzechi, and a Sam Lowes which is already in the running for this year. We will remember his race, as intelligent as it was careful, during the last round at the Grand Prix of Portimão.
So, what about MotoGP?
As opposed to a George Martin about starting blocks for the premier category, the Transalpine driver declared in March 2020 « I'm in no hurry to get to MotoGP ". But, in May, his manager, the thunderous Charles Pernat, announces that contact with Ducati is established. It was in September that the contract with the team Avintia is officially announced, and bastianini becomes the first pilot Motorcycle 2 guaranteed to join the seniors paddock. He will be assisted by his great rival 2020, Luca marini.
What do we have the right to expect from this rookie 2021 ? Enea Bastianini demonstrated great consistency with a single outing of the Top 10 as worst result (11th), and only one abandonment in 2020, in addition to an ability to manage his races well under the enormous pressure that a world title represents. It remains to be seen whether he will be able to quickly adapt to the sometimes delicate Italian machine... He, in any case, seems convinced of it since he declared in November " Marc Marquez is very strong, but beatable »… Being one of the rare Italians not to be part of the fold of the VR46 would it make you more confident?
First element of response March 28 in Qatar, if this damn Covid-19 doesn’t turn everything upside down once again…
Will Enea Bastianini be elected rookie of the year 2021? Don’t hesitate to give us your predictions in the comments!
Access Rookies 2021 #2 Luca Marini