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Rookies on the rocks!

George Martin

The start of a new season is always a special moment.

Between the technical innovations of the machines (for this year, unfortunately, it's a little threadbare...), the transfers from one team to another, possible circuits added to the calendar, and the form of each driver, including the top players. , the suspense is to be cut with a scalpel! And the first performances of the rookies are part of it. Especially when they are of the caliber of the one I want to talk to you about today: the Spaniard Jorge Martin Almoguera.

Before extrapolating on what it is wise or not to expect from him, I suggest you get to know him. Because I know that as much as you are very knowledgeable in MotoGP, as few of you follow the lower categories assiduously. By the way, let me say that you are wrong. THE Motorcycle 2 is often the dullest race of the weekend, it's true, but then the Motorcycle 3 !! The kids are crazy and I can assure you that it's the only challenge that never disappoints me. But this is another debate. Let's return to our 2021 MotoGP rookies.

George Martin is born January 29, 1998 à Madrid. His first results are not fantastic, 17e of the championship Motorcycle 3 en 2015then 16e en 2016. In his defense, he was riding on a Mahindra. One Peugeot knew how to ride motorcycles, that would be known... But, in 2017, he goes to Doga and that is the revelation. The Iberian driver wins the Valencia Grand Prix, goes up to 4 times on the podium, and closes the season in 4e place in general. He made it happen the following year by pocketing the title after an epic battle with Fabio Di Giannantonio, Marco Bezzechi, and the one he will find in GP, Enea Bastianini. I remember this season very well Motorcycle 3 and the fights between these kids were truly sumptuous. I was already looking forward to seeing them in GP !

En 2019, he goes up Motorcycle 2 in Red Bull KTM Ajo and joins a driver who achieved prowess in his first season in GP this year, the South African Brad Binder. This introduction is half-hearted with only 2 podiums and a 11e final place to his credit. But, from 2020, Martin regains his verve. He wins by 2 once, done 6 podiums, 1 pole, and finishes 5e of the general, while testing positive for Covid, he misses the 2 proofs of Misano. But, well before the end of the season, the decision-makers of the premier category had already judged the potential of the Spaniard who declared in January 2020 : " I want to go to MotoGP in 2021 ».

So, what about MotoGP?

We talk about him at Ducati from May 2020 to the direction KTM does not hear it that way and the psychological battle is launched. At the end of May, things are moving forward with the rumor of an agreement in principle for the Bologna. The little protégé of a famous young retiree, Jorge Lorenzo, seems to be reaching the goal... At the beginning of June, it's almost done, and the market is getting even more excited as Pol Espargaro is announced at HRC ! The controversy rumbles during the summer with KTM who experiences family treachery very badly. You have to wait until September for Paolo ciabatti announces, more or less officially, that George Martin will be good with the reds. In October, the Spaniard declared himself delighted to be alongside Johann zarco whom he considers to be a great pilot, and the matter is definitively settled. George Martin joins the big leagues at Pramac !

Credit: Instagram Jorge Martin

What do we have the right to expect from this rookie 2021 ? Martin demonstrated a good ability to adapt by moving from Honda en Moto 3 à KTM (frame Kalex) On Motorcycle 2, and no one can say that it is not fast in all circumstances. Will his enthusiasm, which sometimes leads him into the gravel, be a brake on his progress in MotoGP ? Will he be one of those who manage to tame the Desmosedics easily, or will he have the greatest difficulty (like some that I would avoid mentioning...)? We hope that his recent signing with the French manufacturer Shark, and his move to number 89 (The 88 already being taken by Miguel Oliveira), will bring him luck. As well as his teammate of choice, our dear Johann!

First element of response March 28 in Qatar, if this damn Covid-19 doesn’t turn everything upside down once again…

Will Jorge Martin be elected rookie of the year 2021? Don’t hesitate to give us your predictions in the comments!

Continuation and end of the presentation of the 2021 rookies Friday 21 p.m.


Access Rookies 2021 #1 Enea Bastianini

Access Rookies 2021 #2 Luca Marini

Access Rookies 2021 #4 Lorenzo Savadori

All articles on Pilots: Jorge Martin

All articles on Teams: Alma Pramac, Octo Pramac Yakhnich