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Rookies on the rocks!
Lorenzo Savadori
The start of a new season is always a special moment.
Between the technical innovations of the machines (for this year, unfortunately, it's a little threadbare...), the transfers from one team to another, possible circuits added to the calendar, and the form of each driver, including the top players. , the suspense is to be wiped out with a handsaw! And the first performances of the rookies are part of it. Especially when they are of the caliber of the one I want to talk to you about today: the Italian Lorenzo Savadori.
Before extrapolating on what it is wise or not to expect from him, I suggest you get to know him. Because I know that as much as you are very knowledgeable in MotoGP, as few of you follow the lower categories assiduously. By the way, let me say that you are wrong. THE Motorcycle 2 is often the dullest race of the weekend, it's true, but then the Motorcycle 3 !! The kids are crazy and I can assure you that it's the only challenge that never disappoints me. But this is another debate. Let's return to our 2021 MotoGP rookies.
It's true that there, you have every excuse not to know this pilot who didn't follow the usual path, and I admit that I didn't know much about him either. Lorenzo Savadori is born 4 April 1993 à Cesena. Vice champion from Red Bull Rookie Cup en 2007, the following year he won the 125GP Italian and the European 125c championshipc, and made his Grand Prix debut with Aprilia. Alas, in 3 years, he gleans neither victory, nor podium, nor pole, and leaves the GP to engage in FIM Superstock 1000 in Kawasaki.
En 2012, Savadori go to Ducati (5th place overall), before returning to Kawasaki 2 years and finish vice-champion in 2014. He joins Aprilia en 2015 and wins the title. The Italian driver then switches to WSBK, still with the firm of Noale, 2016 à 2018, with a 10e place in the final ranking as the best result. Then Lorenzo Savadori try the adventure MotoE en 2019 in Gresini Racing team, without much success (16th). It is his victory CIV en 2020 (8 victories) which opens the doors to him MotoGP replacing Bradley Smith, himself replacingAndrea Iannone suspended for doping.
So, what about MotoGP?
I will not return to the matter Iannone/Aprilia in length (you will find information here), but there’s no point in hiding it. Lorenzo Savadori is a default choice. He inherits a handlebar that no one wanted... Also note that at the time of writing these lines, nothing has yet been confirmed 100%. The Transalpine pilot seems to have been preferred to the Englishman Bradley Smith since it is his name that appears in theEntry List 2021 filed with the Dorna, but things can still change. Savadori also joined the test program of the RS GP so, even though Smith would ultimately be preferred to him, or a renowned pilot pulled out of the hat in extremis, the return of the wildcard should allow the Italian to express himself.
What do we have the right to expect from this rookie 2021 ? Unlike the 3 other beginners in the premier category, Lorenzo Savadori already has a little experience since he participated in 3 last races of the season 2020. The record is meager, certainly, no points scored, but the round of Portimão saw him progress despite his fall to 3 rounds of the checkered flag. All this to say that between the RS GP who struggles to convince, the doubts ofAleix Esparagaro, the imbroglio Iannone, very clever who can predict the season 2021 From the factory Aprilia...
First element of response March 28 in Qatar, if this damn Covid-19 doesn’t turn everything upside down once again…
Will Lorenzo Savadori be elected rookie of the year 2021? Don’t hesitate to give us your predictions in the comments!
Access Rookies 2021 #1 Enea Bastianini