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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym of Vernon Stoner.
Here, we relate, of course, but we also extrapolate, we speculate, we construct, in short, we discuss and exchange!
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Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
The return of the Millennium Falcon
Of all the world's production since the dawn of the first motorcycle, only a handful of machines have become legendary.
La Suzuki hayabusa is not a motorcycle, it's a myth! We love it or we hate it but, from experienced pilots to beginner motorcyclists, from enlightened amateurs to novices, it leaves no one indifferent. Its silhouette, its size, its power, make it a unique machine not to be put in everyone's hands. It is true that since the first Buse, other brands have surfed the segment of excess like Kawasaki with the ZZR 1400, but, at the time, this motorcycle was alone in its category. OK, there was already Blackbird de Honda, 1100 CBR XX, but, how can I put it... Well, it was a hell of a bike, but it was also a Honda...
I'm not a great driver, let alone a mechanic, and I'm not going to get lost in precise figures about brake discs, the frame, and so on. Most motorcycle magazines and sites already do this very well, so I'll get straight to the point: Godzilla third of the name will land on planet Earth, nickname! It was worth a bit of history.
The monster is born in 1998. Upon its release, the GSXR 1300 hits the headlines. Its extraordinary face due to its enveloping fairing studied in the wind tunnel, not to be aesthetic, but to cut through the wind optimally, is as much adored as it is criticized. As for the essential figures, they are simply mind-blowing: 175 ch and 318 km/h peak. In summary… Nawak for the times! And then to 15 200 € the rocket capable of sending you into orbit, or in prison, it wasn't worth it... About 115 000 bikers were not mistaken and fell for the Japanese Kraken.
To know that in 1999, France, the world's great anti-motorcycle priestess before the eternal, was still torturing the bikers of France with its absurd law forcing a despicable castration to 106 ch. I doubt that a single owner of Bus never respected this infamy. We don't pay for a surface-to-surface missile to turn it into a damp squib! Ironic anecdote: The famous Ghost Rider reach 354 km/h after adding a turbo…
The name Hayabusa, written on the fairing in Japanese character, means peregrine falcon. This raptor is the fastest in the world in diving with 300 km/h max. It may not weigh more than a kilo, but at this speed, I wouldn't want to take it in the face... The front is reminiscent of the sharp beak of a bird of prey. This surname also refers to a fighter plane, the Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa. Such genetic affiliations could only give rise to something crazy! I had just taken a little trip with a friend's uniform and, when I got home, I almost bought myself a Stewart uniform because I felt like I was flying away!
The second generation hatched in 2007. THE Cx (drag coefficient) is slightly improved, and the general silhouette is retained. I don't know which unconscious fool suggested that we should add a ladle, but the fact remains that the displacement increases to 1340 cm2 for a power of 199 ch and 15 mkg of torque. It’s true that with the first version, we were dragging ourselves a bit… These Japanese are crazy!

I'm not going to tell you about my life, but I fell for one 2008. As I got older, I wanted a more comfortable machine than a pure sports car for everyday riding. I shouldn't have… I fell in love with this killing from the first kilometers. It's true that following the rhythm of the friends in ZX10R, R1, & co., in the bends of the Nice hinterland was impossible due to the size which hampers maneuverability, but I had nothing to do with being behind because I took my foot with each twist of the right wrist ! And then to take a sandbag on a trip, it's still more comfortable than the folding seat of a hypersports, must admit. Not to mention the fact that on the highway, or at the slightest stretch, I dropped off almost everything that was moving. Of course, it's not worth the pleasure of the virolos, the former track rider that I am will not contradict this state of affairs, but damn, what an exceptional machine! The reason pushed me to sell it a few months later because, obviously, I was either going to finish six feet underground, or lose my license with a ban on retaking it for 1300 centuries... For information, only 74 000 bikers had given in to their primal impulses and had paid for this new version. The repression was underway...
And so, what about the third generation of the feathered creature?
We can first ask ourselves the merits of bringing out a OVNI the same in today's society where repression and security take precedence over freedom and enjoyment. L'Hayabusa is too big to be effective on the track, and too crime-inducing to be used on a daily basis. As much as it is still possible to have fun on winding roads with a sports car without overdoing the speedometer, I don't see how not to explode each passing radar at the slightest acceleration. And don't tell me that you can be wise when riding the beast. I do not believe it one second. If you think so, it's because you've never flown the Buzzard and I encourage you to test it. We'll talk about it later. Is it that Suzuki focuses more on image and prestige than sales? Possible. Or maybe with a subscription to a Coyote-type “GPS”?…
In terms of new features, the new generation inherits all the technological developments of recent years: LED lights, indicators integrated into the fairing, as well as the essential TFT screen equipped with a number of modes (6), and adjustable options ( traction control, anti-wheeling, launch control, cruise control and speed limiter, ABS, shifter, etc.), requiring computer training to get by and have time to ride a little before the end of the weekend. The suspensions, braking, frame, handling, stability, in short, everything, have also been improved if we are to believe the manufacturer Nippon. The socks are up to the task with Bridgestone Battlax Hypersport S22 series.
Contrary to predictions, theHayabusa loses some nags due to the norm Euro 5, since the cylinder capacity has not increased, and goes back down to 190 hp at 9700 rpm, with a torque of 150 N m at 7000 rpm, for a weight of 264 kg. What do you mean there are fewer ponies than before?! Well, certainly, but but but… The 0 to 100 km/h is now folded into 3,2 seconds instead of 3,4 for the old version. Glups… This story is going to tear your arms apart! The two-tone colors are soft, quite successful, and the aesthetic has really evolved. The Falcon of the Rising Sun joins the fashionable clan of manga-inspired motorcycles with curves that give way to sharp angles. I still do my old reaction, but I'm not a huge fan. It still looks like Canada Dry, it's true, but hey... All the bikes are starting to look a little too similar, right? In any case, the new plumage of the competition piaf is attractive enough to make me want to take its measure. I booked a trial at Suzuki, so I will get back to you. Finally, if I don't orbit myself until Fukushima...
Available: Spring 2021 (a priori…)
Price: 18 499 €