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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym Vernon Stoner .
Here, we relate, of course, but we also extrapolate, we speculate, we construct, in short, we discuss and exchange!
You have the right to respond in comments, to correct, to proclaim your indignation, or, at worst, if it really gives you heartburn, to change the section...
Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
I have always considered motorcycling as an art, both in terms of the aesthetics of the machines and the qualities necessary to ride them.
I came across the works of Lorent Drawing through a Facebook page. His beautiful watercolors, and his unique way of seeing our beloved bikes, made me want to introduce him to you. He agreed to answer some questions that I give you in this article. Put on your wetsuits, strap on your helmets, we're off on a little journey between mechanical passion and artistic talent...
MOTOGP MarcM93 2019
*Before talking about motorcycles, can you tell us in a few words about your professional background?
BTS commercial action by work-study
Military service driving school instructor, bus, truck and car
Graphic designer training at GRETA
Graphic designer in a textile box
Graphic designer at a distributor of motorcycle parts and accessories (BIHR)
Communications department manager at BIHR
European experiential marketing manager (sponsorship, events and travel) at BIHR
*When, and why, did you develop this passion/obsession to draw bikes?
Self-taught, I started to create my style BD by becoming the illustrator of “ high school newspaper on 1991, then that of “ Latest News from Alsace » for almost 5 years. I finalized this passion through training PAO (desktop publishing), and land a job in the creative department of a textile company.
The vector drawing on Illustration becoming too virtual, I finally needed to get my hands dirty by working with real materials that I have loved for a long time, stones. This results in more than 10 years of creating natural stone mosaics.
À 30 years ago, a need for adventure and freedom pushed me to get my motorcycle license. This is where it all begins… A professional opportunity immerses me completely in the magical world of motorcycling!
En 2013, I drew my Ducati 999, just like that, for fun! A post Facebook, and it started… “Won’t you please do mine?” », “I also have a photo of my motorbike, can you draw it for me? ", etc.
MOTOGP Joan MIR 2020
Since 2013, the passion for drawing has come to the surface, and I try to express through my watercolors, in an “unstructured and dynamic” style, these exclusive moments of emotion, freedom, passion, speed and adrenaline. what the motorcycle provides.
BMW nine T
*How do you choose the models/pilots you are going to draw?
Either personalized orders, often for gifts, old motorcycles that we no longer have, memories with friends, dad's motorcycle, etc.
Either models that I really like, and therefore rather Ducati, Pantah at the last Superleggera.
Either racing, MotoGP, a little bit of all the drivers, but a lot of Johann zarco.
*How much time do you spend on a work?
It depends on the size:
30x40cm => 6 to 8 hours
50x65cm => 8 to 12h
*What technique(s) do you use?
MOTOGP Rossi 2020
*Is this your main activity?
No not at all. I am responsible for Europe “Experiential Marketing” at BIHR. It's already taking me 120% of my time. But I'm not a TV fan at all. My only series is the MotoGP ! All this to say that for me evenings are painting. About 2 hours per day.
MX SUZUKI RMZ Nicolas Aubin
*Which motorcycles have you owned?
My first motorcycle was a Yamaha 600, nothing very “horny”.
The second, a Monster 800 YELLOW. And there, you fall into the motorcycles that thrill…
Then I had a S2R1000, and then a 999 who was doing a little better on the track.
In the meantime, I also had a Honda sevenfifty, and an Suzuki PE175.
*What is your current bike?
I have a few bikes that thrill me:
900SS de 1991
998 single posto
Always my 999 de 2005 Black edition
CB360 de 1974 ( my birth date)
A GT125 2-stroke Café racer 78
Un 600XLR dismantled which should one day become a dirt track
Un Scrambler 800 which serves me as R1200GS to my size.
All that tidy with a good and beautiful garage atmosphere!
Ducati Paul Smart
*What is your dream bike?
A 900SS de 1977 black and gold conical couple!
*Do you do track?
Yes, when I have the chance. My last session was in Germany Oschersleben. The route is superb. I'm no longer looking for times, I just want to have fun.
*Favorite drivers and manufacturers?
Johann zarco. I know him through my job, I manage his sponsorship for BIHR. And Ducati, because I'm a fan of Ducati!
When you look at a GP and you know the guy who rides, it's even more captivating!
MOTOGP Zarco Ducati Avintia
MOTOGP ZARCO Panigale 2020
*What are your future projects?
There are lots of things in the pipeline, but I would really like to do a nice exhibition on Paris, something that looks good, and the subject would be Johann's career. I've already talked about it with him, it would be possible that he would come. We selected some of the photos together. I have been working on images that represent his career for a long time. I already have about twenty watercolors that I do between custom orders.
In fact, I don't meet my clients too much. I sell a lot on the Internet, Facebook, Insta, or via my site, and I think I want and need to share that live... This last year has only increased this desire.
And thanks to Paddock-GP for granting me this interview!
MOTOGP Jack Miller Ducati Pramac
You can discover all of Lorent’s works on his website lorentdrawing.com. Do not hesitate to write to him for your personal project. For my part, a watercolor of my Falco would tempt me! Hats off, or rather helmet, to the artist!