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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym Vernon Stoner .

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Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!

By Nicolas Pascual & Vernon Stoner

HRC, resurrection or stations of the cross?

Since 1995, Repsol Honda Team figures in the pantheon of motor sports. Mick Doohan, five times champion in a row, Alex Criville, and many others, have allowed Honda to establish an implacable domination which was rarely interrupted. The plethora of great drivers (Valentino Rossi, Nicky Hayden, Dani Pedrosa, Andrea Dovizioso, Casey Stoner, Marc Márquez, Jorge Lorenzo) brought home eleven coronations in total. To lead these champions with their often strong character, an iron fist is necessary. The management of the team was for a long time attributed to the Japanese, before giving way to Alberto puig in 2018. Before him, Kazuhiko Yamano et Toshiyuki Yamaji et Livio Suppo held the prestigious position.

It's difficult to remember a particular moment when the history of a team is so rich. We no longer count the podiums and victories of the HRC ! But, since 2013, it is the Spaniard de Cervera who holds the reins of history through outrageous domination. These last years, Marquez left only a few crumbs for the other teams on the field. Since his first world champion title acquired at the end of the suspense, the number 93 continues to make an impression. The Iberian pilot, a pure product of the sector Repsol, has already won the crown in all three categories and it must be admitted that without him, the show is a notch below. His absence in 2020 has, as everyone has seen, changed the situation drastically.

Credit: Michelin Motorsport

The problem when you bet everything on the same horse is when he gets injured... 2020 saw the catastrophic first season of the HRC. Because, si Repsol Honda Team is undoubtedly the greatest team in the history of motorcycle Grands Prix, since the accident of its prodigy, the orange armada has been at the trough of the wave. From there to assuming that the team does not approach 2021 in the most serene manner, it is not far…

                                 Credit: Michelin Motorsport

The case Marc Márquez is extremely complex. Will he come back in shape, like a Doohan post-accident in 1992? Will he quickly be able to regain his former level to once again establish his supremacy, or will he be in doubt, afraid of an injury, and will he struggle to return to success? The latest news suggests that the Spaniard is on the right track since he is on the list of those registered for the first meeting in Qatar, but anyone who can predict the conditions in which his comeback will take place is very smart...

                                  Credit: Michelin Motorsport

Whatever the case, it is reasonable to assume that the HRC longs for the return of his champion. And, given the 2020 results, we understand why… ÁLex Marquez has progressed well in the last races, it's true, and Bradl did his best as a test pilot parachuted into the pack without any real preparation, but the results were more than below the Japanese firm's hopes. And that's nothing to say. The team is in ninth place in the championship, its worst result since its debut...

                                    Credit: Michelin Motorsport

If the youngest Márquez went looking for a smoother atmosphere, without the pressure inherent in a team factory, at LCR, and that it is vain to hope that Bradl turns into a racing beast, the HRC can however count on its new recruit, the thunderous Pol Espargaro ! According to his statements, the Spaniard hopes to quickly get into the rhythm and finish the year in the top 4. And if Pol Espargaro is much criticized for his sometimes borderline behavior, he is nonetheless a seasoned rider, with a very enriching KTM experience. His aggressive driving could allow him to succeed where Lorenzo had failed, tame the RCV in a short time. A driver to watch…

Top or flop for Marc Márquez? Podium or gravel for Pol Espargaró? Leave us your predictions for the 2021 HRC season in the comments. We'll talk about it again in a few months!

Nicholas & Vernon

All articles on Pilots: Marc Marquez, Pol Espargaro, Stefan Bradl

All articles on Teams: Repsol Honda Team