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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym Vernon Stoner .
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Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
By Nicolas Pascual & Vernon Stoner
LCR, time to take over
LCR, like Tech3 ou Gresini Racing team, is one of the world's regulars. Created in 1996 by Lucio Cecchinello, the satellite team Honda shines in MotoGP since 2006.
Apart from a few occasional exploits signed Randy De Puniet, Roberto Locatelli et Casey Stoner, the intermediate categories were not so successful in the training. The story of LCR, as long as your arm, would require much more than a small article. But let's just focus on the MotoGP.
The brilliant Australian, second in the 250 2005cc championship, makes the transition to MotoGP with the same team. It's good Lucio Cecchinello which made the prodigy debut, although, at the time, rather discreet. Stoner really exploded the following year, at Ducati, with the world title at stake. Without a doubt, the pole of Casey in Australia holds a special place in the memory of the Italian manager.
From 2007 to 2012, the team struggled to find a place. Correct pilots ride the Honda RC212V (De Puniet, Elias, Checa, among others), but nothing to sink your teeth into in terms of results. A single podium in six years is meager. That said, it is important to put things into perspective: Private teams could not, during the 800cc era (2007-2011), compete with the factories. Yamaha, Ducati, Honda et Suzuki All victories during this period are shared.
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
Si Stefan bradl was far from being a pale figure, the defining event of the decade – for LCR – remains the signature of Cal Crutchlow in 2015. The Englishman won three Grands Prix between 2016 and 2020, reached the podium several times, and put on a show both on the track and in the paddock, before leaving the world championship for the position of tester at Yamaha . From Crutchlow all gone! A colorful character who will be missed on set, that's for sure.
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
We do not replace a client like Crutchlow easily. The youngest Márquez will have to confirm his good feelings at the end of 2020 and not hang around too much before taking root in the top 10 as the Englishman knew how to do. The return of the brother could also be a catalyst for a very positive fraternal energy. Álex having suggested that he would be more comfortable without the pressure inherent in a factory team, we can hope that for his second participation, he will be able to confirm this.
Credit: Michelin Motorsport
As for Nakagami, he showed good progress last year and, with an ounce of maturity, he could even have been on the list of Grand Prix winners. With his experience, and with the emulation of youth, Takaaki could well be a serious outsider capable of shaking up the hierarchy.
What results for this first LCR year without the English veteran? Leave us your predictions for the 2021 LCR season in the comments. We'll talk about it again in a few months!
Nicholas & Vernon