Disclaimer :
Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym of Vernon Stoner.
Here, we relate, of course, but we also extrapolate, we speculate, we construct, in short, we discuss and exchange!
You have the right to respond in comments, to correct, to proclaim your indignation, or, at worst, if it really gives you heartburn, to change the section...
Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
There are visceral passions, so deeply anchored in us, that they push us to take all risks in order to satisfy them. Which of you, dear brother and sister bikers, has never had an accident, had a big scare, suffered serious injuries, or even lost a loved one, and still hasn't given up on the bike? This is beyond what reason can admit, to the point that anyone who does not have this addiction anchored to the body cannot even approach our way of living. There is no more contradictory philosophy compared to what the modern way of life instills in us. The subject is not pleasant and I will not dwell on it further. This is not burying your head in the sand, on the contrary. It’s about respectful modesty, and perhaps also an ounce of superstition…
I address this painful theme because today is the birthday of a great pilot that everyone misses, Marco Simoncelli, and I want to pay him this modest tribute by recalling some elements of his journey.

Marco Simoncelli at the French GP in 2011. He finished 5th in the race
Marco Simoncelli is born January 20, 1987 in Cattolica which is located in the province of Rimini en Italy. It's still the blessed era of two-stroke engines, and he's making his debut in the championship 125 tsp en 2002 on the handlebars of a Aprilia in Matteoni Racing. This first year is difficult, and he ends 33e to the general. His work and his talent will push him to the 5e place for its last season in the small category in 2005 the balance sheet 125 tsp However, remains mixed with only two victories to his credit (2004 & 2005).
He confirms upon his arrival in 250 tsp in Gilera, with a Top 10 en 2006 et 2007. The season 2008 got off to a very bad start with two retirements in the first two rounds, but the young Italian showed morale of steel and won 6 races, decorated with 6 podiums. It is sacred world champion with 281 point.
Despite 6 victories the following season, he failed to retain his title. He also freelances for Aprilia when 12e handle of WSBK à Imola where he climbs on the 3e walked off the podium in the second race, after a retirement in the first heat.
2010 sees its accession in MotoGP in Honda Gresini Racing. THE team believes in it so much that the one we call SIC58 has a factory machine, something rare in satellite stables of that era. Her 8e place straight away at the end of the season confirms its high potential. In 2011, he continues his progress and reaches the 6e general's place at the end of 16 races, with 2 pole, and 2 podiums (3rd in Brno, 2nd in Phillip Island). His extraordinary charisma and good humor make him an essential figure in the paddock, and many predict a bright future for him.
All those who followed the GP at that moment undoubtedly remember this disastrous day of 23 October 2011. In the second round of Sepang Grand Prix en Malaysia, Marco Simoncelli fall. He is hit by Colin Edwards (Yamaha Tech 3), then, to top it all off, by his godfather, Valentino Rossi (Ducati). The shock was so violent that his helmet was torn off. The race is interrupted, before being canceled by Carmelo Ezpeleta. Marco Simoncelli succumbed to his injuries 16:56 pm (local hour). He had 24 years. He is the second pilot, after the Japanese Daijiro Kato (2003), died in the category MotoGP.
Multiple tributes were paid to him by the world of motorcycle competition then, in September 2016, Dorna announces the official withdrawal of the Grand Prix of the number 58. His father, Paolo Simoncelli, founded the stable Sic 58 Squadra Corsica en 2013 . He will declare: “ The SIC58 team was created not to die”.
SIC58 would he have become champion MotoGP? We will unfortunately never know, but his memory will continue to float on paddocks around the world, reminding everyone that our sport is unique. RIP Marco
Dedicated to all the bikers who left too soon.