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Unlike the vast majority of articles on our site, this new section does not only report information, it leaves a certain freedom, even a certain freedom, to the thoughts of its author accustomed to the literary world who will publish under the pseudonym of Vernon Stoner.
Here, we relate, of course, but we also extrapolate, we speculate, we construct, in short, we discuss and exchange!
You have the right to respond in comments, to correct, to proclaim your indignation, or, at worst, if it really gives you heartburn, to change the section...
Are you still there? Little curious people, go… Come on, gaaazzzz!
Arsouille in Charentaises style! #Playstation
What do you mean you're not a real biker if you don't ride all year round, regardless of the weather?
I admit to having practiced this policy for a very long time, traveling the roads of the hills of Nice, guitar on my back, even when the sky fell on my head. I see you smiling... Nice ? Pffff, you're talking, it's sunshine H24 et 12/12. Know that no, Nice, it's also raining. So of course, it's less often than elsewhere but, when it's bad, the flow is that of a Kärcher on cocaine! My greatest moment of solitude, however, remains a return to maioun at night and under the snow (yes, it happens) with my late ZX-9R. Verdict: The Andros Trophy, it's not for me…
These torrential storms actually cost me my first volumes, and I even left a guitar in pieces in the ditch... OK, but it's never cold! False, and again false. It was Inline this morning when my antique Falcon agreed to get started. It may seem trivial for a Inuit, but for a Nice, it's'Arctic with a big A ! Apart from the consequence which can cause a certain difficulty in finding the accessory used to relieve oneself on the way back, which is never pleasant for a man, the cold poses above all the problem of grip. Even mounted on tires racing, it doesn't heat up, so it doesn't stick. It is true that with a modern bike, ABS, Traction control, and so on, managing the throttle on the corner is a little simpler when it slides for a yes or a no. But hey, that doesn't necessarily warm up the rubbers, any more than it helps to avoid the traces of fuel oil blithely spilled in the middle of the tanks by the delivery trucks which, despite the progress made in automotive engineering, are still not can't be bothered to keep the precious liquid in their tanks... All this to say that today, as we approach half a century, if I get on my Aprilia once a week at least in winter, it is more to check that it is still starting than for pure pleasure.
How can we overcome this frustration during the winter months for those who don't like skiing or playing ball indoors, and are monomaniacal? Or rather, motomaniac! Well, there's something pretty cool, video games.
Please note, I am a Sunday gamer and the purpose of this article is to encourage the uninitiated and refractory of all kinds to try the adventure. I will not dissect the many options of Ride 4, and even less pretend to be a purist who shifts gears to manual and activates the ultimate simulation mode. I understand this state of mind but, if I'm a sickly perfectionist at work, then I'm going to the other extreme. And you know what ? I'm not even ashamed! When I turn on the Playstation On the weekend, I only have one goal: Have fun, relax, please myself, and certainly not get stuck looking for hours on how to spend more time on the asphalt than on the grass.
If I decide to write about a game, it's this one, Ride 4, is really huge. I tested many of them and, apart from the MotoGP, I have often been disappointed. With this new opus of Ride, we don't get bored for a minute and the realism/fun balance is perfect. There is almost all of the world production of the last twenty years, but also the Legend Motorcycles. You know, the carburetor mills that refused to whir in winter without the choke on max. Too bad there isn't yet an olfactory option because, damn, I finally have one SuzukiRG500 in my garage! You can buy an impressive range, there are even Harley, that is to say… From the Yamaha TZR 250 R to the Kawa H2, there is almost every motorcycle you dream of. And if your favorite manufacturer releases something new, it will be available as an addition shortly after. In addition, the behavior between different types of motorcycles (sports, roadster, etc.) and engine sizes is really well rendered and it adds a lot to the pleasure of changing bikes.
The graphics are amazing, there's no denying it. It's fucking beautiful! You can also customize motorcycles and riders. On the rider side, there are a multitude of choices of helmets, wetsuits, gloves, etc. On the scooter side, you can add engine kits, change tires, license plate support, etc. You bank via the credits pocketed with your shopping, it's simple. The big plus: The ease of carrying out these operations. In comparison with other top games but where you only have to watch a tutorial just to choose the right vehicle, this is intuitive and easily accessible to beginners.
The sounds are excellent too. The differences between the engines are fairly well reproduced even if your sound system will play a large part in what you will hear.
There are countless trials. Of the mini cup en 3 racing 3 turns on a 300 tsp, going through the cuts Moto Legend, the legendary tracks such Suzuka (on the handlebars of a ZX-10R unmanageable…), until the option Endurance with pit stop, etc. The circuits are varied (Europe, USA, Asia) and, if you are stuck on one championship, simply switch to another. The weather changes are also beautiful.
And the handling? That remains the most important. Here again, it's not too difficult. I recommend to those looking for immediate pleasure without any hassle to leave all the aids activated (see photo below) and the difficulty IA at the lowest (Very easy-20%). It gives something between -, we cannot remain in the corner, and Arcade, we can bite into the sand without wallowing and taking ourselves for Rossi et Stoner à Dry Lagoon 2008. Afterwards, if you want to struggle to manage front brake/rear brake, gear changes, tire wear, etc., that's your problem. In any case, the sensations are close to reality when you put your head in the bubble, sorry, the game, and I want to say that those who have good driving skills will get the hang of it faster than those who …In short, it’s just a fucking game, no controversies…
The mode " Career
» is well thought out. The challenges, times, slaloms, etc., and small-displacement races (it goes a lot, but much slower) are great for learning to master.
A small downside on the different views. As much as the “pilot view” option is great, it is unplayable. Too bad, because the sensations could have been fabulous. Despite everything, it remains nice when you watch one of your best performances (slow motion mode).
Don't want to worry about getting started? Stay tuned so...
Follow the ideal line (blue line) as much as possible when you don't know the circuit well, and brake a little before the limits (red-yellow lines). The chicanes, pif-paf, hairpins, etc., are really difficult to negotiate well. But maybe it’s because I’m also bad on these points in reality, who knows…
Metering the gas stream in a curve is useful and easy to manage. Don't always open wide, you mad people!
Be careful at the departures, they are in the spirit of reality, boiling hot!!! This is where I get stuck most of the time... Quickly get out of the package and do as our fabio quartararo national when he is at the top, stay in the lead and never see the others again! Another plus: If doing the qualifications takes you..., skip them. You will start in sixth position, which remains respectable and does not require whipping like a donkey to get back up.
What if we act a little stupid to finish?…
Wheeling : Joystick backwards + throttle
Stubble : Joystick forward + brake
Burn Energy Drink : Gas + brake + steering
A bit as if you were on your grindstone, what...
If you already play it and have any tips and advice, don't hesitate to leave them in the comments!
Review of : While waiting for this damn spring, and the return of MotoGP, Uncle Vernon recommends Ride 4 to splash around in complete safety, and with the waltzers warm!