
Building on the success of the 2017, 2019 and 2021 editions, the Yamaha bLU cRU CAMP is currently taking place from July 26 to 29 at the Pôle Mécanique de la Clef des Champs in Clastres, near Saint-Quentin (02).

Aimed at 38 riders aged 10 to 18 who already participate in a motocross or speed championship on a Yamaha, this four-day course helps the selected future champions to progress in their favorite discipline.

It is a large organization and Yamaha is providing the means so that they can perfect their riding thanks to the wise advice of professional pilots such as, for example, Max Renaux ou Milko potisek cross country, Jules cluzel ou Alexis Masbou quickly, but also become aware of and refine all the aspects that a high-level athlete must know how to manage, all interspersed with fun or educational activities.



Let's be honest, between a sunny Wednesday and a more than humid Thursday, we didn't play the game of total immersion by taking the handlebars of an R3 or an R7 and sleeping in a teepee!
We have simply chosen between the various activities offered, but this will still allow us to soon share with you our overall vision of the operation, as well as a few interviews including the very interesting one of Jules Cluzel, a presentation of the flight school H2S, a spotlight on the astonishing Yamaha factory in Saint-Quentin, and...a little surprise.

To be continued…



All articles on Pilots: Alexis Masbou, Jules Cluzel