Pedro Acosta, the young Spanish prodigy, once again demonstrated his talent during the Saturday of the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. After qualifying in ninth position, he delivered an intense sprint race, finishing fifth despite an incident that could have compromised his chances. But the GASGS pilot didn’t just talk about that…
Contact with his distinguished colleague Brad Binder indeed sent the wing of his RC16 into the air. “ It was like flying a plane with only one wing! ", he joked with a touch of seriousness. “ The bike wanted to go to one side, I had difficulty keeping the trajectory, especially when turning. » Despite these unexpected difficulties, Acosta managed to get back into the peloton and deliver a solid race.
More Acosta didn't just shine on the track. He also expressed his frustration with the increasingly frequent towing practices during MotoGP qualifying. “ It's as if in Formula 1, we sent polluted air at the other cars to slow them down.“, he compared. “ If you ruin other people's performances, you are faster. It's dangerous and it has to stop."
Pedro Acosta: “ when you start a turn, you must not spoil that of others. It's simple »
The Spanish driver is concerned about the consequences of these practices on the safety and fairness of the race. “ If you're fast enough to win, it doesn't matter if you start first or fifth“, he recalls. “ But if everyone starts doing this, it will become chaos."
Peter Acosta calls for a return to basics: “ when you start a turn, you must not spoil that of others. It's simple. » He calls for stricter rules to guarantee the safety of all drivers and the integrity of the competition.
With his speed, his talent and his outspokenness, Pedro Acosta establishes himself as one of the most promising drivers of his generation. His lucid analysis of the problems encountered in MotoGP also shows that he is a thoughtful and committed rider, at barely 20 years old.
Sparks and debris were flying at the beginning of lap 2! 💥@37_pedroacosta and @ BradBinder_33 made contact early on in the #TissotSprint ⚠️#BritishGP 🇬🇧
- MotoGP @ 🏁 (@MotoGP) August 3, 2024
motorcycle, Great Britain, Silverstone J2:
Starting grid: